Chapter Fourteen(forbidden love?)

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*Anti's POV*

I carried (Y/N) back over to dark's place, I was just glad that she was safe. Dark let us in when we got there. I set her down since really she wasnt hurt, at least from looks at it. 

"Anti hows your arm?" she asked me, i had forgotten that it was bleeding.

"I'll be fine its just a cut," i said it did hurt a bit but it wasnt that bad. "I'm just glad your safe."

"So what happen to Blade?" Dark asked unconcerned with my cut.

"I dont know i think he just ran after i told him to stay away from (Y/N)," i said as i shrugged.

"well if i was you i would be careful outside for a while," Dark said, "I think that Blade told others about the two of you."

"Ok Im not the first demon to date a human," I pointed out.

"But what is the one thing that all others demon do that you havent done," he looked at me as i knew what it was, all the others demons had turn the human into demon which in some cases ruining the relationship.

"I will not do that to (Y/N)!" i growled at Dark for even bringing that up.

"Do what?" (Y/N) asked.

"Nothing dont worry abo-" i was cut off by Dark explaining what it was.

"Its just that humans and demons arent ment to be together and if a demon does fall for a human they're ment to turned the love one into a demon, of course some times the love isn't that great and falls apart after," Dark said bluntly. I held (Y/N) in my arms and glared at Dark.

"I'm not doing that i mean it!" I told them, "Im not risking it."

"Listen Anti, its going to happen wether you do it or another does it, and if someone else does they'll make sure that she put thru hell during the process," Dark explained to me, "I know your scared about it changing her and making her love go away.

"I'll think about it and talk to (Y/N) about it she should have choice in the matter," I told Dark who nodded at me.

ANOTHER CHAPTER not much happened mainly Convo BUT it still explained a lot WHOOOOOO 

Take me away Antisepticeye X readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ