Chapter Thirteen (again another chapter with no name)

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*Anti's POV*

I went over to Dark's place while (Y/N) was went to hang out with her friend, it was starting to get dark  figured that my thoughts were right, she was never coming back. When i got there Bomb was there but Blade wasnt. 

"Hey there Anti were's (Y/N)?" Dark asked me, I explained what happened.

"Well that's just great so what Blade is rambling on about it true," Bomb spoke with no amusement to his voice. 

"What do you mean?" I asked a bit worried.

"Listen he planing on killing her because he thinks if that he cant have her you cant either," Bomb explain to me. I growled in response I was pissed i promised her that i wouldnt let anything hurt her. I ran out the door towards the town it was dark out not only did i have to worry about stupid Blade hurting her i had to worry about other demons.

"(Y/N)!!!!" I shouted as i looked for her. As i was looking for her i ran into (F/N). "Wheres (Y/N)?" I asked her in a panic, all she did was point in a direction i fallowed the direction she pointed in. I saw (Y/N) and Blade as he walked towards with a knife in one hand and gun in the other.

"LEAVE HER ALONE BLADE!!!!" I shouted grabbing both their attentions, I ran toward them. 

"NO IF I CANT HAVE HER THEN NO ONE CAN!" he yelled at me as raised the knife, to stab (Y/N). I jumped into between them and took the hit for her. I felt the knife dig into my arm causing blood to pour out of it. "MOVE ANTI!!!" Blade yelled at me he was pissed.

"I cant do that i made a promise to (Y/N)," I said as she stood behind me looking at me with some fear i assumed because of Blade. I charged at Blade causing him to fall over, i grabbed him and threw him into a building wall causing his nose to bleed. I then took the the knife out of his hand and made cuts into his skin. When i thought he had enough punishment i told him to leave (Y/N) or next time i would kill him. 

"Anti!" (Y/N) called out, i looked at her and i ran to her, i picked her up in my arms i kissed her forehead.

"I love you (Y/N)," I told her, "and next time please make sure your home before dark." She nodded in response.


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