My Princess ||Yotaka x Reader||

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To AliceShiraki: I apologise-- this one was a bit late ^^; forgive me if Yotaka is OOC. Definitely a challenge to write. Hope you enjoy and that you have an awesome christmas. <3

"Yotaka, I found your skin beauty medication!"

His head turned into (Y/N)'s direction a little way away, his lion mane of hair bouncing in the wind. It was very pretty hair. Everyone envied the mighty Five Star Yotaka's beauty.

He walked over, instantly picking up the little bottle of lotion, examining its contents to see if it very well is his medication.

"Do you think it could work on me, too?"

"What do you mean? You haven't need of it."

His face seemed so unfazed by his own giving of a compliment, (Y/N) could easily have missed it if she didn't do a double take.

"Th-thank you..." she blushed. "But I still want to try some."

"If you insist, but you really don't need it."

"We girls never accept our faces for what they are, and we will always try to make it prettier."

She wasn't expecting Yotaka to actually buy some of the highly-praised solution for her own personal use, and so when he handed it to her she promised herself she would try to make it last for as long as possible. She was very thankful.

"Didn't you buy yourself some?"

"No, I bought you one, instead."

"Did you waste your money on me!?"

"It isn't wasteful if it has been put to good use. Consider it a gift. The holiday season is approaching quickly, is it not?"

He was a man who never smiled; always that same stoic, expressionless, far-out look in his eyes. He always appeared to be in a daze. (Y/N) knew that his mind was constantly focused on the Princess of the Xing Kingdom, Kouren-- His commanding mistress and leader of the Five Stars. Definitely something (Y/N) wanted less of in their friendship, if you could call it that.

"Yoo-hoo, Yotaka!" His partners, Mizari and Neguro, jogged to where he and (Y/N) were strolling. "Princess Kouren wishes to see us!"

"Right now? I would have thought she was preoccupied in preparing for the war."

"She is. She requires our assistance in an errand she wants done," Neguro replied. His eyes narrowed when they met (Y/N), an outsider of the Five Stars. "You both should not be dallying about with war so close to our borders."

"Nice to see you too, Neguro." (Y/N) rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, giving up hoping to ever receive a friendly greeting from the burly man. "What's the errand?"

"It's to do with Kouka's monsters. We haven't yet been given word what we are to do, so we must make haste to Princess Kouren."

As joy-killing as ever, (Y/N) thought as Neguro turned his back and walked the opposite direction, Mizari, Yotaka and herself following suit.

A small tent had been pitched some distance away from the kingdom's populace. Inside was Princess Kouren pacing back and forth, whilst a member of the anti-war faction argued with her on Priest Gobi's behalf.

"Princess Kouren," Neguro announced his and his team's presence, interrupting the senseless debating.

"Thank you, Neguro." The princess smiled when she saw (Y/N) had tagged along. Though she wasn't an appointed 'star' of her majesty, she was strong and equally as loyal as the princess's own warriors. They might as well be called 'The Five Stars Plus One.'

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