Red Rose, Green Rose ||Jae-ha x Princess!Reader|| !Christmas!

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To allainne: I hope this was okay!! And I hope you don't mind having red hair! ^v^'

Young snowflakes floated onto the cold, hard ground of the castle courtyards. A girl, strolled among the castle grounds and saw that many a servants were busy hanging all kinds of decorations, coloured lights and tinsel of the sort; Christmas time was approaching.

Soo-won, the rightful leader of the Kouka kingdom and Hiryuu castle, had very suddenly handed the duties of being a ruler over to the closest person he knew, (Y/N). He believed it was necessary to venture further out of the kingdom and scout the area with his men, in case he was in fact to see the tragically deceased, Princess Yona and her bodyguard Hak.

There wasn't much (Y/N) had to do, as she was just filling in for a friend. Despite this fact, however, word got around quickly to all the villages. The truth was soon morphed into rumours that she was an entirely new ruler, and Soo-won forfeit his position as king. This news had reached to all kinds of locations, including Awa; home of the green dragon.

"Jae-ha, ya snot nosed brat, get o'er here!" barked the lady of the very well known pirate crew, Captain Gi-gan. Jae-ha, taking his sweet time, casually strolled through the snow-covered deck to his beloved captain.

"You've finally agreed to take me out to dinner, haven't you? I knew you'd give in soon enough cap, a Christmas dinner always gets the lad-"

"Oh put a cork in it, ya pervert," she interrupted, clearly not wanting to put up with more of his ridiculous flirting. "I was going to ask you if ya heard of the new ruler?"

"..If you are referring to that kid Soo-won, then yes. I have."

"No. A new ruler, not Soo-won." Jae-ha, utterly confused as to why there would be a new ruler so recently after the coronation of new king, made him begin to think that something suspicious was going on.

"Do you want me to do somethin' about it, or what?" he asked Gi-gan, becoming slightly impatient.

"I want you to go check it out; it doesn't seem right that something like that would happen so suddenly." Jae-ha paused for a while and stared out at the beautiful sea, wondering whom the new ruler could be, until Gi-gan snapped at him again. "Get outta here already! I don't need you hanging 'round here anymore."

With a heavy sigh, but a cheesy smile, he replied with an "Aye aye, captain," before bounding into the endless blue atmosphere. With every rest he took, he gazed at the settling snow in the villages. Some hated the weather very much, whereas others were seizing the opportunity as a way to share the Christmas spirit with one another. It made him happy to see at least a few villages in good spirits, for he was too.

Upon finally arriving at Hiryuu castle, Jae-ha knew he had to remain undercover. He walked along the high walls and rooftops, where no guards would look due to their strenuous tasks of decorating. He sat on a rooftop where he had the perfect view of the working servants and guards. He was about to stand and finish the task Gi-gan had asked of him, until he heard a voice.

"Don't hurt yourselves please! This all looks incredible!" Jae-ha looked around to see where the voice was coming from. Due to the voice belonging to that of a young maiden, he was instantly attracted. He smiled like he always does when he thinks "happy thoughts."

"Thank you, Princess (Y/N)," the guards thanked in reply. He continued to look but could not see from his current place, so he jumped on top of the railing that circled the courtyard. There, he looked down and most definitely saw someone that would be considered royalty.

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