Unravel ||Abi x Reader|| Comfort

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To ShadowWolfOfHel: I understand this is considerably shorter than my usual oneshots. Please PM me if you would like an extra scene added to this oneshot. It's certainly not a problem. Otherwise, please enjoy the first Abi x Reader of the book! :)

The bowls clattered against each other as (Y/N) carried the meal tray with unsettled hands. So hard did she try to not mess up the presentation of the food, for she wanted nothing more than Abi to eat something. Too many days had passed with the blue dragon having locked himself in his King's mausoleum.

From the opposite direction walked Guen and Shuten, the white and green dragons respectively. Their melancholic eyes opened that little bit more upon seeing (Y/N).

"I wouldn't waste your time today," Shuten grumbled. "He's so stubborn."

"Zeno is still there trying, but I doubt he'll get through."

(Y/N) frowned at hearing the dragons' failure in successful consolement to the mourning blue dragon. He must be hurting terribly, she could only think. But she refused to let herself give up. After all this time of Abi sticking by her side, of accepting her as one of them, it was her time to return the favor.

She took a deep breath, loosening her shoulders, steeling herself.

"I'll see what I can do," (Y/N) assured as she walked past her friends. Surely Abi would open up to her, his friend of many months and counting. They knew more about each other than anyone else would know about them; they were secret diaries in which only the other had the key to open.

It wasn't long before yellow hair came into her view, as well as a dejected face of the yellow dragon. He only looked at (Y/N) sadly, shook his head and walked away to join the others. Obviously not a good sign.

She finally reached the big double doors, catching herself feeling queasy. This was, after all, the resting place of Hiryuu's tomb, and Abi had kept himself inside with it all this time. (Y/N) could only imagine the unbearable loneliness he must feel to go that far, and how lost he must be. She knocked twice.


There was no response, except the occasional sob and sniffle.

"It's me, (Y/N)... will you let me in?"


"You can't push us all away like this, Abi. At least let me help you."

"I told you to leave. I have nothing to say."

"You don't have to say anything! Just let me keep you company. You need someone to be with you."

"No, I have to be alone."

"'Have to be'? Abi don't say that-"


(Y/N) sighed, feeling the defeat of the situation settling in. Maybe being alone really is what he needs, she thought, and started turning her back, but not before speaking quietly, "This isn't what Hiryuu would have wanted... You know he would be devastated if he saw you like this."

She began walking away, but the sound of creaking doors caught her attention and urged her to turn around. In the slightly open doorway stood the blue dragon, a bandage covering his eyes and his head tilted to the ground. He didn't say anything as he retreated back inside, but (Y/N) took it as an invitation for her finally being allowed to join him.

The mausoleum was awfully cold and dark with the doors closed. She left a small opening between the doors for the setting sunlight to shine through. Hiryuu's coffin was central in the room, and Abi was already on the floor with his back leaning against the stone again, hugging his knees tight to his chest with his chin rested on top.

(Y/N) delicately placed the tray of food on the ground and sat next to him. Not quite knowing what else she could do, they both sat in silence for some time, listening to the evening birds sing and watching shadows fly in the room each time a bird passed the crack of the door. Their shoulders touched and, though he didn't speak it, Abi found the feeling to be almost overwhelmingly reassuring.

"...Did I scare you?" he whispered.

"When you were kidnapped?" (Y/N) shuffled a little, recalling the unpleasant happening from some days ago. "Yeah... it was really scary, actually. But it's because you're important to me..."

His expression seemed unresponsive, but she desperately wanted him to hear her, praying that her feelings weren't falling on deaf ears.

"Abi, I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here." She felt the corners of her eyes prickling with droplets threatening to spill, but was determined to keep her composure in front of him. "It hurts to see you like this. Not just for the others, but me, too."

(Y/N) felt a gentle hand cup the side of her face and guide it to rest atop Abi's shoulder.

"He's gone...My king..." His shoulders trembled beneath her cheek as he wept. "What do I do now, (Y/N)?"

"You don't deserve this loneliness, Abi... Be with us; your family." (Y/N) turned her head to look at him in the eyes, but had momentarily forgotten they were concealed. She slowly pinched the edge of the fabric. "Please, don't hide your eyes anymore."

Through the fabric he stared intently into her eyes as she hesitantly began to unravel it, and he didn't stir. At first he shut his eyes once the bandage was removed, but slowly reopened them when he felt two warm hands cup both sides of his face.

She saw his eyes were red and puffy with sorrow once they were finally seeing eye-to-eye, and gently pressed her forehead against his. "I can't know what you're feeling right now, but you don't have to feel it alone. I'm with you every step of the way."

"...Can we stay like this? Only a little longer," he asked, holding onto her hands.

"Of course."

~ ~ A/N ~ ~


Thank you ALL for the birthday wishes!! I've had a couple of drinks since I'm now the legal drinking age.

And you know what? Beer is kinda gross. But cider is good. You all should go for cider.

FIRST ABI ONESHOT!!! I really love Abi. He's definitely my favourite first generation dragon, along with Zeno.

I really don't have a lot of requests. For those who have already requested, feel free to request another! It keeps me occupied. And for those still waiting on theirs, I promise you they are coming.

'Till next oneshot!!


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