Living A Little ||Yun x Dying!Reader|| Fluff and Feels

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To DarkMoon-Hime: I hope this is at least okay-ish. I don't even know if it can be classified as "fluffy!" DX Do let me know and I'll try and re-do one for you! :3

"Could you quieten down, (Y/N)? Please? I'm trying to read here."

"Oh come on Yun! You're always stuck in those books of yours."

"And that's because I actually want to learn."

Whilst the clumsy priest Ik-su was busy doing his priestly things at the waterfall, Yun took the chance to get in some extra studying before he came back. (Y/N), on the other hand, had become a bit restless. Yun, being the older one, found that he had to be the "mature" one and set an example.

"Should you really be moving around so much at a time like this? I don't think it's good for your condition."

"I'm embracing life for however long I have left, and for what it is. Something that you clearly don't do, Mr Boring," (Y/N) would tease. For as long as she could remember, way back when they were hardly living in that small village, when (Y/N) called Yun her "big brother," he was always so stern with himself and how he lived. When Ik-su took them both under his wing, all Yun wanted to do was study medicine and everything else about the world, without actually seeing it for himself. (Y/N) on the other hand, studied the world by going out on adventures, minus the books.

"Come on big brother! Stop reading your silly books and get some fresh air for once in your life!" (Y/N) whined along with tugging on Yun's arm. He gives up out of frustration and puts down his book.

"There isn't much we can do (Y/N), look how dark it is outside," he said non-enthusiastically. (Y/N) didn't even bother looking, because the reason she wanted to do something was because it was night time in the first place.

"Yeah I know, that's the best part! Just follow me..." Yun gave her a look that clearly showed he was not interested in her little games at all. "Please?" she asked once more. Her voice had changed a little, which is what made Yun agree to it.

Yun was dragged by (Y/N) on the same path to the waterfall where Ik-su currently was, which is where they shortly ended up. But just a little bit before the cliff started taking form, there was a small dirt path covered by leaves that travelled down beside the cliff, leading to the ground. (Y/N) took his hand and guided him along the path, through the labyrinth of trees and bushes of the sort; she would continuously laugh out loud whenever a branch smacked Yun in the face, and he just growled.

Eventually they both were standing on a slope that was beside the river, directly below where Ik-su was on the cliff. (Y/N) let go of his hand, and lay down in the grass. Yun just watched her confusingly.

"...What are you doing?"

"Lay down and you'll see." Yun huffed and did the same as what (Y/N) was doing. The small incline was decent enough to be provided as a pillow, which made looking up easier. He directed his gaze to above him, and he could've sworn he saw magic.

Hundreds upon hundreds, possibly thousands, of shimmering lights were plastered into the big dark abyss before their eyes. Like a million fireflies, serving as a guiding light for each human being that lived on the earth. Yun had never taken the time to do something as stress-free as this. He looked over to (Y/N), and she looked like she was falling asleep with a smile on her face.

She's so ill, but she finds happiness within it, Yun thought to himself.

Back when they were both in the poor village together, with no family to care for them, they depended on each other. (Y/N), being a few years younger than Yun, had it rough. Her and Yun went through the same things, but his body was slightly stronger to the damage than (Y/N)'s. Even since after leaving the village life behind with Ik-su, she hadn't been healthy; the damage was already so greatly done that (Y/N) was fading slowly.

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