Mask of Bravery ||Yun x Reader||

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MUSIC: This is from the recent anime movie that was released, 'Your Name' (or Kimi no na wa). It was SO GOOD in cinemas, and I thought the song was cute, so ya :3

To eapsokardu: Here's ur Yun! I LOVE your username btw!! How did you come up with it!?

A pungent smell wafted to their noses as they walked through the streets of a rather quiet urban. Although it wasn't a smell they had familiarised themselves with, it was obviously edible whatever the source of the scent was. Low in population the town was, yet the homes were built sturdily and were much stronger compared to bundles of sticks and straw tied together in other villages.

"This isn't good..." Yun sighed as he desperately dug his hand through his satchel. "I've overspent. We can't buy anything."

"What? Not even food?"

"Sorry, I take full blame. You guys are going to have to hold out until I can sell stuff to get my money back."

"Why don't you just make a bunch of sandals right now? You're good at that, aren't you?"

"It's not as easy as it seems, even though I am super good at it, Thunder Beast."

"Zeno's stomach is rumbling~"

"Complaining isn't going to help, you guys." Yun stopped in his tracks, looking back and forth and left to right, trying to find anything that would help him out of his pickle. He caught the sight of a couple of buff men, walking down the street like they owned the place. The strong scent of liquor radiated off them, causing the group to scrunch up their noses as they walked past, Hak not so discretely.

"You got a problem, buddy?" one of them growled seeing the Thunder Beast squint his eyes and cover up his nose. The man stood right in his face, rudely shoving Kija and Shinah aside like they weren't even there.

"You guys should wash more. I doubt anyone would want to be your friends," he said casually, clearly unafraid. The stranger gritted his teeth, bright yellow and all kinds of things stuck in between.

"I'll make you wash the blood off your face in a second if you're not careful..."

"Fukumi." The other man put a hand on his friend's shoulder, telling him to back down. "He's not worth it. Let's just go before someone sees us." Hesitantly, the man known as 'Fukumi' backed down and continued walking on.

Jeaha and Hak suddenly burst out in laughter. "Isn't that a girl's name?"

"Maybe we should call him 'Fuku-chan.'" They both continued to laugh hysterically, patting each other on the shoulders.

"Thunder Beast, I'd appreciate it if you didn't TRY to get us into trouble. Those guys were really big- bigger than you!"

"It's fine. I can take on anyone, especially a guy with a girl's name." The two beasts got over it after a long while of impatient waiting, and Yun continued to lead them around the labyrinth of buildings and alleyways. He began getting constant shivers down his spine each time the sound of a smashing bottle followed by hysteric laughter would resonate clearly from some tavern.

"I-I don't like it here... we should leave before we run into more guys like the Fuku and the other one from before."

"You mean Fuku-chan?" Jeaha and Hak stifled their chuckles like a couple of pre-pubescent boys thinking they were so funny.

"Knock it off, you two. (Y/N)'s right; it's not safe here." He turned around and started walking backwards so he could look at everyone as he spoke. They all looked the same; tired and clearly in need of food.

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