Warmth in Company ||Zeno x Reader|| Modern AU + !Christmas!

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To BreathingMistake: I really enjoyed writing this one, so I REALLLLY hope you like this one!!!! Have a super duper merry Christmas!!! :D

The chocolate aroma-filled café instantly warmed the shivering bodies that walked through the door, the bell above signalling another person's entrance into the warm public abode. Fluffy, festive jumpers all over the place, couples and friends huddling around the mini heaters set up on each table, giant ball balls hanging from the scaffolding across the café to signify that it's that time of year again, there was no place (Y/N) would rather be with Zeno.

A cloud of her breath fogged up the window in front of her as she held the warm mug snuggly in hands, taking in a breath of the rich fragrance of the Christmas love put into her beverage. "Mmm~ thanks for buying, Zeno!"

"That's okay! Zeno really wanted one, too." The Christmas lights flickered as the cold nip of snowflakes covered the outdoor decorations in frost. Sitting on a couple of stool chairs at a bench in front of the large square window, the two admired in silence the breathtaking sight of the holiday season being spread around.

The silvery waning crescent moon was covered by the dark clouds of late Christmas Eve, the only source of bright light coming from the countless twinkling fairy lights hanging above the quiet streets. "It's getting late, Miss. Should we walk back to the cabins, now?" Zeno smiled as he and (Y/N) finished off the rest of their hot chocolates.

"Sure!" Standing up from their seats, they weaved through the masses of people trying to warm themselves up, Zeno leading the way as he held onto (Y/N)'s hand, making sure she wouldn't get lost in the sea of strangers. On their way out, he dropped a gold coin donation into the charity box, getting both (Y/N) and him a gingerbread man with red and green frosting on top.

The cold air instantly blew onto their faces and through the wool of their jumpers, making goosebumps travel up their spines as they practically jumped into each other's arms looking for warmth. As they wandered down the fantasy-like streets, Zeno decided to take a detour as he wanted to show (Y/N) the park nearby.

Already from a distance, the sound of echoing carollers singing 'O Holy Night' reached the two friend's ears. A man in a big red suit, mimicking the familiar fantasy of Saint Nick, rang a handbell and laughed the classic 'ho ho ho'. Families with their young children gathered around a petting zoo of reindeer, and Zeno and (Y/N) couldn't help but get excited.

One look was all it took for them to agree and dash over at full sprint. (Y/N) bought two bags of carrots and animal feed, and handfed the many reindeer gathering around her and the yellow-head for their supply of food. Some of the children got upset and started to cry that none of the reindeers "liked them anymore."

Being the people pleaser he was, Zeno took a handful of food from (Y/N)'s bag and put it in a little boy's hand. Shortly, a baby reindeer trotted over and timidly ate the food off from his hand. The boy laughed and Zeno ruffled his hair. "He sure likes you, doesn't he?" Zeno laughed.

The kid giggled and nodded happily as the reindeer's tongue cleaned up every little crumb left. Reaching out his hand slowly, Zeno stroked the animal on its nose. (Y/N) smiled as she felt warm and fuzzy watching Zeno spread his happiness. It wasn't like it was strictly for the occasion – he always did that no matter where he went. They proceeded to explore after a while.

Walking down the street with linked arms, they admired the storefronts full of gifts and Christmas decorations alike. Most shops were open until midnight for last minute Christmas shopping, which is what (Y/N) had gotten herself stuck into.

"Hey, can we stop by some shops? The one across the road looks really pretty!"

"Okay, if you want to, Miss!" Zeno smiled and cheered as (Y/N) zoomed across the silent, icy road, dragging Zeno across with her. Slipping and sliding like a couple of professional ice skaters, they burst through the door and gave the shopkeeper quite the surprise. "Yay, presents~" Zeno clapped as he acted like a child in a candy store.

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