Vision of Beauty - Part 2 ||Jeaha x Reader|| Fluff and Feels

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To zeepaard10: Here's part two!!! :'3 Freaking 11 pages... PHEW.

"Compensation for such heroic deeds will be expensive..." Gi-gan said as she smoked her pipe before continuing. "We'll need an ocean's worth o' booze. Enough to get us and the rest of the city drunk..."

"Captain?" She stood tall with a triumphant look on her face.

"Let's celebrate!" The pirates, rescued girls and the rest of the town erupted into cheers, as they were about to have the time of their lives.

"Victory... is there anything more beautiful?" Jeaha spoke with a heavenly breeze dancing around his form as he pulled out his instrument. "Perhaps only the remarkable gorgeous ladies who inhabit Port Awa." The green dragon flipped his hair around as he was receiving questionable looks from multiple onlookers.

"Jeaha, stop-"

"Jubilation is pumping through my every vein. There's only one way to celebrate... by stripping-"

"It's not that kind of party!"

"Keep it in your pants!" many of the pirates shouted as Jeaha began sliding his robe off his left shoulder.

"Stop bleeding all over the place you idiot! You're flirting with death!" the pretty boy genius shouted. He huffed as he pulled out some medical supplies to treat Jeaha's forgotten arrow wound. Jeaha was forced to sit down as Yun applied pressure to the wound.

"Hey kid, where are those snacks I asked ya to get?"

"Get you're priorities in line!" Jeaha subtly laughed as Yun continued to yell at everyone for being immature, such was the pirate way according to him. He looked around him, happy to see the familiar bustling of people getting ready to party until they quite literally, drop.

From the corner of his eye, he saw someone walking away from the party. He looked in the general direction, and he recognised the garments as what all of the captured women wore. Jeaha saw her as quite beautiful, even with her back turned.

"Excuse me gentlemen, but I have a pretty lady to attend to." As the dragon warrior stood up, the girl in the distance turned her head only for a second...

But that was enough to make Jeaha's heart stop.

He lost all senses around him as his eyes were fixating on this girl's face. He had seen it before. Long, long ago. But he never forgot it.

Jeaha without hesitation began a full sprint for the girl as she rounded a corner covered by houses.

"Hey! I'm not done with you yet!" Yun yelled after him, but his voice was drained by the dragon's beating heart. The dragon's leg allowed him to move faster, much to his advantage. He rounded the corner, and saw that the girl was walking dead straight in the middle of the path.

"H-Hey, wait!" It appeared as though she didn't hear him, because she continued walking, about to round another corner. "W-Wait I said!" Jeaha was determined to catch up to her, and to see her face up close. He turned the same corner as she did seconds later, but she was no longer there.

He looked all around, left and right. But she was nowhere to be seen. He put his hand on the nearest wall and slightly leaned on it, boggled as to what was happening.

What... what was that all about? He thought to himself.

It... couldn't have been... she's dead.

Jeaha trudged back to where the rest of his friends were, his purple eyes staring off into nothing, yet every now and then looking around for the mysterious girl.

Akatsuki no Yona x Reader Oneshots (CLOSED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon