Home Alone ||Hak x Reader|| !Christmas!

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To Anbu_Demigod: Merry Christmas!!! I think this is pretty cute. I hope it doesn't deter too much from your request!! Enjoy!! :D

The carolers that had just come by (Y/N)'s house were really kind people, and even blessed her with a box of chocolates she would happily have all to herself. It wasn't like there was anyone else in her apartment to share it with, nor any friends that weren't busy on Christmas Eve. She flopped on her double sized bed with her cloud-like doona, and feasted on her chocolate as she looked outside her window decorated in fairy lights.

The snow was falling much lighter than an hour ago – the news had instructed citizens to stay within their houses for the time being. But now walking around outside wouldn't be a problem.

"Sorry, Mariah Carey. I'm not really feeling it anymore," (Y/N) said to herself as she unplugged her phone from the stereo. Concluding she was getting a little bored listening to her Christmas album on repeat for the whole day, she put on her favourite coat and stepped outside into the winter tundra with her bag of sweets.

As expected, a lot of people still hadn't left their houses after the warning was sent out. It was a shame, (Y/N) thought to herself, as the nightlife full of Christmas wonders was rather fun to experience. Nonetheless, she still was missing that person to share her enjoyment with. That was when she decided to sit at the park, and randomly choose a contact from her phone with her eyes closed.

"Calling 'Droopy Eyes'..." her phone spoke to her in her ear.

"...I guess we could try Jeaha."

One ring.

Two rings.

Three... four... five rings.

"You've reached the beautiful green dragon, here! Sorry I can't answer my phone right now, but if you're a woman who wants to get to know me, drop by Awa and I'll be there with my crew! Beep."

(Y/N) cringed at his message, but was slightly disappointed. "Attempt number two..." she mumbled to herself.

"Calling 'Thunder Beast'..."

One ring.

Two rings.


"Yo," a deep voice answered.

"Hey, Hak! I thought you were busy...?"

"Well I was meant to be, but Princess ditched me."

"What do you mean Yona 'ditched' you?"

"Su-Won called her and said he wanted to have family dinner with her and her dad."

"Wow... that's-"

"Random? Random enough for her to cancel our plans." Hak was clearly ticked off, and by the sounds of things he wasn't really planning on doing anything for Christmas Eve.

"Soooo, what're you doing then?"

"Don't come over."

"Wow, rude much."

"It's too cold to go out, and I don't mind being my myself anyway."

"Come on, don't be such a downer on Christmas Eve."

"I'm being serious."

"Whatever. I'm coming to yours. I'm bored, too."

"I said don't-"

"I'll walk there, so I'll be there in like ten minutes."

"I won't answer the door."

"See you soon~"

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