When Knight Met Day

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*This chapter is dedicated to @PaoStars!!!! Happy birthday my byouty!! I was gonna give you a cake but I ate it ... so here's this chapter just for you!!! I hope your birthday day is full of fun and laugh! Have a great one!!!
~Sincerely Makayla

~Flirting With The Good Girl~

Chapter21: When Knight Met Day

*Jake Parkers*

"You're doing it all wrong!" Ethan says after he had blown his whistle. "If you want to win, you have to do it exactly the way I showed you!"

"I'm trying!" Jessica snaps. "But the course isn't exactly easy!"

"It would be if you did it the way I showed you!"

She turns around and angrily thrusts the Nerf gun into his hands. "Whatever, I quit!"

She suddenly storms causing all of our jaws to drop. You don't just walk off when one is trying to teach you the ways of a proper Nerf gun battle. And for another, you don't handle the Nerf gun with such hostility as she had.

"You don't quit!" Ethan declares. "Get back here, Knight!" After he has respectfully handed me the Nerf gun, he chases after her.

Jessica rematch Luke is in a few days and she needs all the help she can get. It's quite obvious she has never fought with Nerf guns the way we do. Nerf guns are used to be played with, yes, maybe for young little kids, but we take it to the next level. Nerf guns is sort of a sport, so we practice as if it were one. Meaning we practice and train for battles. Call us crazy, but it's just how we roll.

I set the Nerf gun in its case and carry it inside where Jessica and Ethan are having a stare down. I slide the Nerf gun onto the counter and walk into the living room but Jessica and Ethan seem oblivious to me as I flop onto the couch and kick my feet up on the coffee table.

I glance between the two before sighing and running a hand through my hair. "Stop glaring guys. We can just work on it tomorrow."

"No, tomorrow I'm going to show her how to use the scope while using a full tank."

"Fine, the finish today's lesson later. Just give her a break." I reply.

Ethan continues the stare down for a minute longer before murmuring an okay. After he has left, Jessica flops down beside me groans. "I can hardly keep up with you guys. You all are so not normal."

I laugh at her exhausted expression. "You're going to have to learn to keep up." I say. "You're going to be in our lives for a long time."

*Jessica Knight*

"Are you sure about this, Jay? Won't he see?" Carter asks with a worried tone.

"Yes, I'm sure, Carter. And I'll have it hidden so he won't see it."

"And what about Amber? She already doesn't like me. She surely hate me after she finds out about this." Carter's eyes move to my arm that's propped up on a table.

"It's fine, Carter. Trust me." I say.

The guy who's giving me the tattoo, Edwin, sets himself down on a stool and pulls it close. "Okay, Ms. Knight, let's begin."

Carter cringes at the sight of the needle and turns away.

Honestly, it doesn't hurt near as bad as I had thought. Sure, at times it felt like my skin was being ripped off, but really, it wasn't too bad. It does sting quite a bit when he wraps a white gauz around it, but the numbing alcohol is promised to kick in soon.

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