Awkward Silences

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~Flirting With The Good Girl~

Chapter2: Awkward Silences

*Jake Parkers*

Breathe, Jake! Breathe! And grow a pair while you're at it! You're captain of the fucking football team, the most popular boy in the entire school, and the most looked upon person. Don't let someone put you down.

But it's him. Him! The very man who haunts me in my dreams. The man I see in the dark when I'm alone. He's the monster under my bed. Ready to attack when I'm at my weakest. And I'm always at my weakest when he's near. Calm down and breathe. He won't hurt you. Not here, at least not now. Not at a school. I steady my breathing and brace myself.

"Thomas?" I hear a sweet voice say. "Thomas, are you in here?"

Woah, what?

I walk around the corner to see the new girl -Jesse- looking for Thomas. When her eyes land on me, she jumps back, her hand covering her heart. "Good lord, you scared the piss out of me." She says dropping her hand to her side.

"What are you doing in here?" I ask. "Last time I checked, this was the boys locker room." I then frown. "It is, isn't it?"

She chuckles. "Yeah, it is. And I'm in here because Thomas told me to meet him here after the game. He said he needed to ask me something." I then watch as her eyes drift down to my partially naked body. A blush erupts on her cheeks and she looks elsewhere.

I smirk and back behind the corner again. I slip a shirt on before dropping the towl and changing into shorts. She's walking to the door when I say, "Where are you going?"

She turns around. "I was going to wait outside for him. Like you said, this is the boys locker room."

But if she's here, maybe he won't act out and try to hurt me. "No stay. I uh, wanted to ask if you could help me with my math work." What kind of freaking lame excuse was that? Not only do you need to grow a pair, but a brain as well. Just add it to the long list that I'll eventually get to.

"Here? Right now?" She asks looking around the dim lighted locker room. "I don't even have my work with me-"

"I have mine. You can just look over it and see if I did it right." I say.

She narrows her eyes. "Okay, so let me get this straight. You, Jacob Parkers, actually did your work?"

Okay, she's only been here for a day and she's already judging me? What has the world come to? Better question, what have you come to. "Yes, I did actually do my homework. Thank you very much." I snap.

She crosses her arms. "I'll help. But only on one condition."

"A condition? I thought you were nice?" I say.

She rolls her eyes. "I am nice. But I want you to apologize for being a complete asshole to me this morning."

"What the hell did I do? I don't even remember talking to you this morning?" I say. I remember seeing her in the hallway and at lunch but I don't remember any other time.

She's glaring at me now. "You were a complete jerk to me when I sat in your precious seat."

I start to think back to that but I come up with nothing. "I don't remember that. But I am sorry for being a complete jerk to you." I smile. "Are we good now?"

She shrugs and walks towards me, her small frame seeming delicate when she stands beside me. "What are you waiting for? Get your work out." She says glancing up at me.

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