Extra #2

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Yui and Y/n were in Reiji's lab making something rather evil on the boys. All of them, including Shin and Carla. "Yui its done" Y/n smirked evily.

"Are you sure they won't kill us after the potion wears off?" Yui questioned "I make sure they won't, I have my ways" Y/n smirked again...evily.

"Lets go then!" Yui lead the way to the living where everyone was. "Me and Y/n made drinks for you guys, do you wanna try them?" Yui asked innocently.

"Sure why not" they said and Y/n brought a tray of drinks out, Y/n put a bit of the potion in each one. "They are really good" Y/n smiled. Everyone took one a took a sip.

"This is good- Wait, my body feels funny?" Ayato then turned into a...NEKO!!!

They all did!

"Meow~!!!" Ayato looked very angry at Y/n and Yui, he tried to scratch with his sharp claws.

" SO KAWAII!!! " Yui and Y/n screamed and hugged all the neko's!

Ayato and Subaru were ready to kill us when they turned back to normal.

" Kanato and Azusa! " Y/n screamed and cuddled them tight almost killing Kanato and Azusa.

"M-moew!" They squealed.

-5 minutes later-

They turned back to normal one-by-one.

They all seemed angry so Y/n made a run "Don't leave me here Y/n~chan!" Yui shouted. "One woman for herself!" Y/n then ran across the whole mansion trying to find somewhere to hide.

Yui hid with Y/n. They were in a closet behind alot  of clothes. They needed to catch their breathes.

"I thought you had it under control!" Yui whispered shouted at Y/n. "I the potion would of lasted longer, through that time I would of thought of a plan" Y/n explained to Yui. "You would be to focused on the kittens!" Yui shouted whispered again. They heard footsteps so they closed their mouths.

The doors opened, they were alot of clothes so they had to swift the clothes. "Ha! Find one!" A husky voice shouted and dragged Yui out. "Yui!" I shouted but it didn't come out very loud. A red haired vampire then grabbed my leg and dragged me out.

"Found ya!"

Subaru and Ayato didn't look very, very happy at all... "It was good knowing you Yui" Y/n said to her face "what are you saying!" Yui said scared. "We shall might in heaven! Wait I'm a vampire, Well this is my last chance with you"

"Stop over reacting N/n" Ayato smirked evily... he then forced a tablespoon of the potion in my mouth.

"NNNOOOOO- NYA~" Y/n turned into a neko as well, Subaru did the same to Yui.

Yui turned into a neko, we looked at each other and we knew exactly what to do, we both smirked and....

And started running down the hallways screaming but it was more like Meowing, Subaru and Ayato mimicked us.

" SO KAWAII!!! " they both shouted.

Y/n and Yui spent the whole day running away from to douche bags.

Sakamaki's Sister (Diabolik Lovers fanfiction) [COMPLETE✔]Where stories live. Discover now