Extra #1

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Y/n walked down from her room to the kitchen, She wanted something to eat. Like a cream bun.

(I actually don't eat cream buns)

She looked in the fridge and found one more cream bun. Her eyes sparkled and she drooled a little. Y/n took the cream bun and placed it on a fancy plate peacefully.

She put a cherry on top and gazed at it.

She then heard someone? She quickly hid the cream bun in case some looked at it the way she did and steal it.

A chair swirled around and y/n found Reiji on the chair. "So your the one who's been taking all the precious cream buns huh?" Reiji spoke as he patted a random cat then he found outside.

"No..." Y/n lied. "Lair!" Reiji tackled Y/n. "Give it to me!" Reiji demanded.

"No!" Y/n and reiji kept snatching it from each other. "Its me!" Y/n yelled at Reiji. "You had the last 10! No one has had anyone expect you!" Reiji snapped.

"Well it ain't my fault its so delicious!" Y/n shouted.

Kanato then walked in with teddy, "oooo, cream bun" Kanato drooled a little and walked over to the 2 fighting siblings. He then took the cream bun and left the kitchen with teddy.

"oh by the way, I ate all the cream buns" Kanato said and left with teddy.

"But I ate 10 yesterday?" "Those ones, they were rotton" Y/n then felt like puking, she quickly ran to the toilet and washed her mouth out.

"Kanato you hog!" Reiji shouted and ran after the cream bun.

"Why does this always happen to me" Y/n cried 😭

Sakamaki's Sister (Diabolik Lovers fanfiction) [COMPLETE✔]Where stories live. Discover now