Yui or Y/n?

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"What the hell was that!?" Ayato asked "A scream?" Shu was guessing, "not any scream, Yui's Scream!" Subaru yelled and they all raced after the scream.

Meanwhile with Y/n, Things were a little different, Y/N walked around but while she did, She kept an eye out for the wolves.

"AAAHHH!!!" Wasn't that the say scream before? Y/n heard this scream a couple times but didn't worry that much. This time she is going to check it out.

She walked along a trail of snapped sticks and wolf foot prints. "This is Stupid, I could of been doing something else then this" Y/n then came to a stop and looked up, She saw a red head with an eye patch and a long white head person?

Y/n the notice they were holding someone fimilar? "Yui?" Y/N spoke aloud but accident "who is there?" One voice called "come out whoever you are!" Another voice demanded.

Y/n stepped into the moonlight and they smiled "another pretty princess" The Red head smirked. "Cut it out" Y/n snapped "Give me back Yui and we won't have a problem" Y/n waited for them to hand over Yui "Do you know who you are talking too?" They both said. "Nope and I don't give a damn" Y/n snapped once again.

The red head gave Yui to the White head. The Red head got closer to me and closer. This was slightly akward for Y/n....

"Shin" The white head called "Leave her alone, She won't do anything, She is worthless" The white head added "Whatever Carla" This was the chance. Y/N wrapped her arms around Shin's neck and slammed him into the ground.

"Shin!" Carla called "can someone play sick music, Like in the batman movies or something like that please?" Y/n Smiled. Then one gangsta wolf came in and played the boombox.

(Spoiler Video, Just a warning!)

Y/N then ran towards Carla and kicked his leg causinh him to fall.

"Ouch!" Carla whined but got up. Yui was now set free. She ran behind my back which was a bad idea because Shin came behind me and grabbed Yui, and tied her to the tree.

"Bad Move Yui" Y/N looked at her "I know..." Yui sweat dropped.

Shin then grabbed Y/n's feet and flung Y/n in the air causing Y/n to belly flop on the ground.

(Everyone do the flop, Sorry i had too 😉)

"O-ouch" Y/n whined in pain, Y/N stood up and held her hip as it still had pain going through the hip.

Shin smirked at Y/n and chuckled, Y/n then teleported behind him and kicked him in the back, Carla grabbed Y/n's hair and pulled it.

Y/n kicked backwards into the 'Area' which hurt men alot... "Gah!" As Carla fell over. Shin finally got up and tackled Y/n, He was now in top of Y/n which looked very akward in many ways. His Legs were between the area and one of his hands landed on one of the 'boobs' while the other was near her head and neck.

Y/n was slightly blushing and got reallt angry of were hos hands landed on the other hand Shin was blushing alot. Y/n then head butted him in the head causing him to fall backwards.

Wolves came in and surronded Y/n, "Just give up" Carla spoke "Never" Y/n sat up "Damn this girl got anger problems" Shin rubbed his head "You touched the wrong area!" Y/N complained while Shin just mimiced her..

Carla grabbed another peice of Rope and tied her to the tree next to Yui "Nice performance Y/N" Yui smiled "Thanks... It was fun while it lasted" Y/n sighed but then smiled.

Back with the Sakamaki's...
"Around here somewhere, Split up and look for Yui" Reiji planned and everyone agreed. "Do you know what happens when people get split up!" Ayato complained "Wussy" Laito chuckled "Shut up!" Ayato poked his tongue

"Why don't you for once" Laito roasted Ayato "U-uh..." That was all Ayato called say.

"Ayato is speechless! Nice Roast Laito!" Kou chuckled. Ayato just crossed his arms and poked his tongue again..


A loud Voice echoed "This way!" Ruki expclaimed and they all teleported towards the echoed sound. Theh came to a sight where A red head was getting ready to bite Yui.

"Stop right there!" Kanato spoke loud.
Everyone looked over towards them, including the wolves.

"Uh..." Kanato then went behind Reiji and pushed him closer towards them "You guys the Founders?" Reiji questioned "Why Yes" Carla smiled.

"Came to bow in front of us?" Shin asked "What no! Yours Truly should be the king here and you guys be bowing!" Ayato yelled.

They both walked over towards Yui and...


Shin held a silver knife over Y/N's heart and then Carla just has a normal looking knife hovering over Yui.

"Who will it be?" Carla asked.

"Yui or Y/n?"

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