Bye my babies...

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After reading their all time favourite vampire fairy tale, Y/N looked at the clock and it was 4:00pm?

'Time sure does fly by?"  She thought to herself.

"Neko-chan...Can you read another story like Aladdin!" Kou jumped in excitment, "Yeah Aladdin!" Yuma agreed "Aladdin.... Please" Azusa asked polity "Yes please" Ruki also agreed happily. She nodded her head and replied "Sure! Anything for my babies" She smiled and they responded "We're not babies Y/N-nee/Neko-chan!" She only giggled "The way you act, you sure do... Plus, Babies are cute and you guys are cute" and they just said "contuine with the story"

"Alright my babies" She teased and started the story.

(A little fact... I was named after Aladdin {the movie not the person}😉)

~After story~

"And they lived happily ever after... The end" She softly said and the boys were smiling "When is dinner" Kou complained "I'll get dinner cooking now" She stood up and headed towards the kitchen, Ruki wanted to help again.

Tonight was just simple, Sushi...Rice... Salmon and contuin on. Ruki loved cooking dinner with Y/N and she loved cooking with Ruki too.

Yuma came in and asked "Can we sleep with you tonight again? Before you leave" He tugged on her shirt "Of course!" She bent down to his level. "I'll also let you watch Aladdin you love it so much" She smiled once again and he agreed, "Yes!!" The other 3 spoke "Eavsdropping huh?" She replied.

"Sorry" They smiled "Its ok.... My babies" She teased once more and they really got sick of it.

"Dinner is ready" Ruki called out. We all grathered around the table and ate. "Hmmm" Everyone went because of how good the food was. "Ruki you make really good food" Y/N swalloed her food down.

"Thank you Y/N-nee, So are you" He smiled,

So cute~ Nya~   (^~^)

~After dinner~

Everyone washed their dishes and headed towards showers. The boys took one all together because it was really late, They made it quick because they hated the idea of them showering together.

They hopped out and went to get some clothes while Y/N had her shower.

She turned on the hot water and then a little bit of Cold water. She washed her hair and body, You heard the boys outside waiting for you. So you made it quick and got dressed.

"Y/N-nee, Can you also watch Aladdin with us?" Yuma asked "Sure" She smiled and slipped into bed while the others were still climbing into the bed. Y/N grabbed the remote and put aladdin on. Ruki was on her left side, Azusa was on the right and Yuma and Kou were in between her legs, They watched happily until their eyelids got heavy and went to sleep.

Y/N quietly turned of the TV and went to sleep herself.

~Morning brought to you by Spongebob~

She was up early ready to go, The boys had tears which made Y/N start tearing up, They didn't want her to leave... who knows what is the next time they see her again.. Weeks? Months? Years?

Karlheinz was ready, A.K.A Y/N's father was waiting for her. He grabbed her suitcase and put them in the Limo... She was outside saying goodbye to her babies.

"Goodbye my babies" She hugged them all at the same time "Neko-chan don't leave!!" Kou held on tight, wouldn't letting go "Y/N-nee please don't leave! What about the thunder and all that" They all tighter their grips.

"Its alright... Have this, Remember i'm always with you" She pulled out a ring fron long ago that didn't fit her finger anymore.

They all took it and held on tight "P-please Y/N-nee" They cried which made her cry. "I'll be back" She hugged them again. Her father put her in the car and drove off.

They waved with teara streaming down their faces, Y/N was in the back crying... Missing her babies...

I'll promise you... I'll be back my babies... For now...


She then started balling her eyes put knowing that next time she will see them will be years... And years...


Sorry If i made you cry... I actually cried writing this, Yes i cry easily...
If you didn't thats fine...

Also a little note...

I do follow people back, So if you follow me, I'll follow back (^.^)

I think its a nice thing to do 😊

Also you can put your answer from the title picture, Put it in the comments.

I picked C... I mean hot boys are licking you? Ah.. Yes please XD

Anyway Bai Bai!!!

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