What did i say

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While Y/N was sleeping, Yui woke up from her nap, she heard a chain fall to the ground..?

Yui peeked outside Y/N's Door and saw another door with a chain on the ground in front of it?

Yui didn't want to go out because of the boys... but it was so tempting to go and look, Yui tip-toed to the door and opened the unchained door.

It looked like a normal room, but why was it locked up?

Yui went into the room and took a look around. Its was nice room.

She looked on the balcony and saw a woman with purple hair and a long black dress?

"Hello?" Yui spoke, the woman turned around and then stared at her, Yui's heart got a really bad pain and she feel back hitting the bookselfs.

Yui whined in pain but saw a journal? She opened the book and found a picture of her dad and Her?

"Why is this here?" She questioned.

She read through this journal and found out.....

She was Adopted!?

Yui had tears, Yui she looked up and found all 6 brothers in the room...

'Shoot' Yui thought.

"Why are you in here?" Reiji asked.

"T-the door was opened" Yui spoke.

"At of all rooms you choose this one" Laito smirked.

"I-I'm sorry... I just saw the room and just wanted to take a peek!" She apologized.

"Who cares! I'm hungry!" Ayato bit his lip and leaned in, "Don't leave me out" Kanato spoke finally "Can't have her to yourself~"

All three of them leaned in and tried to take Yui's blood.


All the boys looked over, it was Shuu and Y/N who knocked a picture frame...

Y/N came over to Yui and put Yui on her shoulder. "What did i say" Y/N whispered into Yui's ear.

"S-sorry" She once again apologized.

"Come on sis! We are hungry, can't have her to yourself" Ayato complained.

"Who said i wanted her to myself?" Y/N Spoke with a smirk.

"please just a tiny bit!" Ayato complained.

"Later... Maybe" Y/N then walked out and plopped Yui on her bed.

"You were about to get bitten" Y/n explained.

"Sorry" is all Yui said.

"If it wasn't for me or shu you would of had your blood taken" Y/n sat on her couch and looked at the window.

"Can we move on from that..." Yui spoke.

"Great idea, I got a question for you" Y/n smirked.

"W-what?" Yui asked a bit concerned.

"Why are you so flat!"

"W-what! Why are you so big!" Yui blushed.

"Because i had a mom with a big cheast"

This got really akward for Yui...

"I don't know" Yui spoke... "How about we be friends" Y/N smiled and walked over to her. "We can have so much fun! Its great to have another girl around the house!" Y/n explained.

"Sure" Yui's face lit up with happiness. They both had a quick hug and then they decided they were going to dress up for dinner.. i mean why not?

Y/n did Yui's make-up and picked out a cute light pink dress which was about to Yui's knee's.

Yui then did Y/N's make-up and picked out a F/C dress that was alsi knee-height.

They both did a triwl and looked in the mirror.

"You look beautiful Yui!" Y/n smiled.

"Thanks so do you, Y/N" Yui smiled as well.

Dinner was called so they went down and had dinner... the boys gave alot of complimeants on the both of them.

The boys said compliments to yui like "You look delicious" while Y/N got "you look beautiful".

Sakamaki's Sister (Diabolik Lovers fanfiction) [COMPLETE✔]Where stories live. Discover now