Thunder Storm

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After playing 'Ball' a bit more they started heading into the masion for showers, The Mukami's always had a room for Y/N and clothes for her. She grabbed a towel and her Pj's and headed to the shower, She slipped off her clothes and took a nice warm shower.


I turned the tap off and dried myself, I got dressed and pulled the blankets down ready for after dinner, I walked downstairs and found the boys already in their Pj's and waiting for her so they could eat there dinner,

"Sorry for keeping you waiting" She said and they replied "Its Fine" They said and digged into their food. She wasn't very hungry so she watched them eat, Kou was the greedy one but he was a greedy cute one, She looked around the room and looked back dow- THE FOOD IS GONE ALREADY!

"I want the last piece, Yuma!" Kou complained "YOU JUST ATE ONE BEFORE!" Yuma shouted "I need another one!" Kou agured "Y/N-nee hasn't eaten yet! How about she has it" Ruki stood up for the white-Haired girl "It's fine, I not very hungry at the moment"she smiled and Yuma said "Are you sure Y/N-nee?" And she smiled again "Yes" Yuma and Kou went back to fighting over it, Then Azusa came in and ate it, I giggled and Yuma and Kou got angry but got Over it.

They placed their plates in the sink and washed them, Such good-boys 😊

I walked upstairs and tucked the boys in "Goodnight Ruki, Kou, Yuma and Azusa" She kissed their foreheads and turned off the lights "Sweet Dreams" She then closed the door, She then walked to her room and turned on the TV, I was watching 'Moana'... why not, It was on and i wasn't bother to change it... She was closing my eyes until


A thunder storm has appeared, She thought i need my beauty sleep, not a thunder storm, She turned on her side and her door crept open? She looked over and found her little brothers scared, They were still afraid of the dark and storms from their past...

"Y-Y/n-nee.. W-we are s-scares" Ruki barely got out, she said "Come sleep with me" They all crawled into the bed and hugged her tight, not letting go "I'll protect you" She whispered

They watched Moana for a bit with
Y/N and sang along with the songs.


The thunder storm went off again, They all jumped of the sudden jump scare and held Y/N even tighter, She wrapped her arms around them and said "Love you" and they whispred "Love you Y/N-nee" their eyes were closing and they went to sleep, She held them tight close to her also... Protecting them from their fears.

Goodnight my babies....

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