Kill Her

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This has been going on for a couple months now, Yui has been bittem alot and thr boys been flirty with her and all. Expect Subaru, he would only tald Yui's blood and then leave.

Y/N felt sadness well up everyday she saw her brothers with Yui, these are not the boys Y/N use to remember.

Subaru kept wondering why he kept hearing crying from Y/N's room everyday. He seemed guilty but didn't know how to solve it.

But a certain day came when everything changed.

Y/N came out of her room, She had her (fave outfit) on and roamed the mansion....alone....

Y/N looked up into the night sky with the beautiful shining stars sat. The breeze flew through her hair while she looked up at the sky.

"Why is everything different?" Y/N spoke aloud, "Ever since she came... It's just..  a mess" Y/N sighed.

She had some much hate on Yui the last couple of months. Maybe... what if i try to kill her 😈

Attempt #1

Plan: Suck her dry!

Y/N tried to get Yui to follow her into her room but then Kanato came and took her to a tea party. "Yui what about the dresses in my room?" Y/N lied "Not now" She smiled and went with Kanato.

Plan failed!

Attempt #2

Plan: Push her off the balcony!

Y/N lead her to the balcony, Yui was amazed by the view, she was focusing more on the view then around her.
"Tea Party Time, Yui!" Kanato called and Yui left within seconds. DAMMIT!

Plan Failed!

Attempt #3

Plan: Posion Tea!

Since Yui has been having a tea party alot woth Kanato, maybe Y/N should posion her tea! Y/N got a really posiones herb and placed it in the tea. It soaked in with the tea and she was about to drink it until Kanato decided to swap cups.

"You had that cup yesterday, today i have that one" He then switiched it and drank it! Kanato then started coughing...

I'm in trouble

Plan Failed

Attempt #4

Plan: Push her into the rose bushes!

Yui wanted to see the Roses with Y/N, They walked out together and Yui then Yui stopped walking. "Whats up?" Y/N asked "You been a bit off lately" Yui sighed "So? Just come on!" Y/N grabbed her wrist and dragged her near the rose garden.

"Look how pretty that lo-" Y/N was cut off by Laito coming out and snatching Yuii off her...

Plan failed.

More and more plans failed. Y/n was now in her room listening to music.

"I GIVE UP!" She yelled, "Why all of a sudden she is so popular!" Y/N then walked out of her room and found Yui and Ayato making out right in front of her. Y/N's eye twitched and she stayed silent.

Ayato then saw Y/N standing there blanky "Its not what you think!" Ayato explained but Y/N slammed the door closed, Like slammed it echoed through the whole mansion.

Y/N smashed a vase. "What is wrong with you guys!" She yelled aloud..

Days passed and Y/N hasn't came out of her room, because on that day she also saw Laito making out with her, reiji making out with her and Shu.

"I'm worried about Y/N~Sama" Kanato spoke "you have been ingoring her for the last 6 months" Subaru explained.

"Thats the reason?" Ayato spoke "Well it is hard for Y/N, She looked after us all in good times and bad. Remember the fun times we had with her and the sad, She even saved you from your mother. Now look at you, all of Yui and not even focusing on her, she spent all that time on you guys and thats how you repay her" Subaru explained to all of them and walked out.

They all seemed guilty. They all walked up to her room and knocked on her door.

"Um, Y/N, would you like to have some dinner with us?" Shu spoke "Why would I when you have that filthy player" Y/N replied...

"Don't speak to her like that!" Ayato yelled at her " WELL SHE IS!" Y/N fired back.

"No she is not!" Reiji and Kanato spoke.

"SHE PRETTY MUCH MADE OUT WITH YOU ALL!" Y/N then came to her door but didn't open it.

"SO!?" Ayato replied. Y/N opended her door "is this the reason why you came to me or is there a 10x better reason to come see me" Y/N then stared at them...

"Nevermind, i don't think you deserve it" Ayato walked away along with Kanato and Shu...

Y/N's heart broke into small pieces, "I thought you were better then this" Reiji spoke and went the other way...

Y/N looked down "Do you also have something to say Laito? If not please get away" Y/N said harshly..

"No" He replied and walked away, Subaru saw all of this. Y/N slammed her door.

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