I'll be back, I promise

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Y/N woke up by the sun shining on her face and her brothers.... Bouncing on her bed.

She Yawned and sat up "How are my my little babies doing?" She asked "We're not babies" They whined "Your right, Your my babies" And she pulled them into a massive hug

"I not a baby!" They complained again "Fine" I sighed "but your still my babies" she added and kissed their foreheads, A knock on the door was heard "come in" She said and her father, Karlheinz came in "Hello" He replied and stared at Y/N, "Hello Dad" They all replied including Y/N, "Remember the 'thing' Y/N?" Father said and Y/N nodded. "Thats right.. I forgot" She hopped out of her bed, Karl walked out and closed the door.

"Now, I got to get dress... So you guys can look away or play with my teddies while I get dressed" She told her brothers and they blushed slighty but looked away.

I striped and put on a nice white dress (one in the pic above ↑)

"Ok, Done" I said "Whats the 'thing' about Y/n-nee?" Reiji said "Well... I will be gone for 2 days" and there was silence...

Then Chaos appeared out of nowhere, Kanato was on the floor crying with Teddy, Reiji trying to stop the Ayato and Subaru over a stupid thing about 'Me leaving Subaru, Subaru going to cry' I knew Ayato was going to do the same thing, I can see it in his eyes, Laito was upset because I am leaving and Shuu, He tried to stop it but couldn't so he cried.

"everyone settle down" She said softly with a smile "It's only 2 days, Not that long" "but our mothers, They will-" I cut Ayato off "I will do something about that, ok? But for now, listen to your mothers then you won't get in trouble" I once again kissed their foreheads and they stopped their sulking expert Reiji, he was trying to stop the fight.

I packed my bags with them and headed towards the limo with Father. I said my good-byes to them and they all had tears... It wanted to make me cry too "I'll be back, I promise" and held them close to me... They started crying and a few tears slipped down my face. I wiped them and gave them my necklace with a photo of us all together.

"Just a little something you can remember me with" She stood up and walked into the limo, She waved good-bye and they waved good-bye back... My little babies...


We pulled up in front of the Mukami's mansion, I know they are only little but they can take care of it. I opened the doors and saw the 4 young males.

"NEKO-CHAN!!!" Kou screamed and ran over to me and hugged, a few seconds after that they all screamed my name and said "Y/N-NEE!"

"You came back" Ruki said "Of course I did" She smiled "Big sis, can... We play.. Ball outside... please" Azusa said. They aren't my real brothers or half or step, I look at them as they are my real brothers though, they faced alot of pain and hurt so the best thing I could do is help them and be their older sister.

"let's go and play" I said "Are you alright with them Y/N?" Father asked and I replied "Yes" and he left to the limo. I walked outside with my little brothers and played ball.

"Who's playing?" Yuma asked "Me!" Kou yelled with glee. Azusa replied "I... Will" "What about you Neko-Chan?" Kou asked her "Sure" I then smiled.

Yuma threw the ball to Kou and then to Azusa and then Y/n. Ruki was reading his book on the bench.

"Catch!" Kou yelled to Azusa and Azusa just caught it, "Here you.. Go Y/N-chan Azusa then threw it to her and she caught it. She then threw it to Yuma.. She walked over to Ruki and said "How is my little bookworm doing?" "great" He replied "now that your here" and she smiled "What book are you reading?" She asked "Fairy Tail" He said "I love that" she replied. So looked over her shoulder and found Azusa on the floor, She rushed over and said "Oh my gosh! Azusa are you alright?" She was trying to stay calm "More, more!" Azusa said happily and Y/n sighed in relief "Sorry Azusa" Kou and Yuma said.

"What happened?" She asked "Yuma threw the ball a bit to high and I didn't catch it and it hit Azusa in the head, Please don't be mad" Kou answered my question "Why would I be mad? It's just a accident, They always happen, plus you said sorry..." She then hugged them both, "Let's continue the game and we can go inside and have our showers" She suggested and they all nodded.

What a Afternoon!


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