Food Fight

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Sorry i updated late, Its just I had my baby Brother's birthday today and he is a big 3! We are having it over at my mum's aunty's place, There is internet but its not really great.... anyway on with the story!

Y/N was sitting around the table, Kou was being a pig, like alwayd but its cute. Yuma was telling Kou to stop being a pig and let Azusa have some. Ruki was quite but still ate.

Kou spilled some water on Y/N's dress and damn Y/N got angry. Y/N got the salad dressing and squeezed in his face. "Gah!" He said. Yuma was laughing " you think thats funny?" Kou said and flipped his plate into hid face. Ruki couldn't help but laugh to.

"Stop laughing!" Yuma yelled and dumped a pot of fruits and veggies and Ruki's head. Azusa laughed also, Ruki slapped the apple pie in his face.

Then a food fight began!

-10 minutes later-

They had to clean up the whole dinning room "that was fun!" Kou excaimled happily.

"You got that right" Y/N giggled.

"Can we... do... it again... sometime?" Azusa asked with a big smile.

"Totally!" Yuma shouted.

"Sure" Ruki smiled. "My hands are dirty!" Kou complained "Stop beinh so royal!" Y/N grabbed the dish cloth and rubbed it all over his face.

"My beautiful face!!!" Kou screamed.
"Omg... Your face is so dirty from the food" Y/N giggled. "I'm going to take a shower" Kou said with no emotions at all. "Ok" They all chuckled/giggled and went to do their own thing.

With the Sakamaki's....

"Pancake!" Ayato demanded Yui "yes?" Yui spoke "give me some" Ayato said and bit her neck.

It was like nothing happened, or that Y/N never was born to them expect Subaru.

But they still missed her, but they didn't know where to look. But the last 3 months Subaru has been looking everywhere for her.

Kanato complained "Where is Y/N-nee!" Kanato cried "I've looked everywhere!" Subaru explained to Kanato, "its your fault along with the others too that she is gone! You treated her like nothing even though she did everything she could to be the greatest sister ever!" Subaru punched a wall and left.

All the boys knew that its there fault "How could have I been that stupid" Reiji spoke and left. "Y/N..." Shuu said and left.

"How could Ore-sama be so damn stupid!" Ayato yelled at himself "Y/N-nee, I" He held teddy tight.

"Doll-Chan..." Laito spoke saddly and walked off....

"Its all my fault" Yui spoke, "I got to fix this!"

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