Die or Live for Yui

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As Y/N ran towards the Founders again, Y/N knew they would not stop to get there hands on Yui.

Y/N screamed in Horror, Wolves gathered around Y/N and was ready for something, " Something wrong?" Shin shuckled at Y/N's scream.

Y/n spat at the ground near Shin, " If i screamed, of course something is wrong dumb brain" Y/N explained and looked away. "No fun" Shin pouted and Carla spoke "Quit it Shin, We are not here for that type of fun"

"Why is everyone party poopers?" Shin questioned "Because this is no time for fun" Y/N and Carla both said at the same time.

"Hmph..." Shin said and looked away "So you do have some sense?" Carla looked at Y/N "Of course!?" Y/N said.

"I thought you didn't" Carla then started to think "Hey! Thats mean" Y/N pouted.

Just then a horn was beeping?

"What the?" Shin looked around "I can't see anything" Carla looked around also. "Blind dogs" Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Its probably nothing" Shin said, "Ok back to the point" Carla kneed down to Y/N's height (because your tied to a tree and sitting down).

"So... This is the deal..." Carla spoke holding a silver knife. "What is... the deal?" Y/N spoke a little afraid of the silver knife hovering over her neck.

"Die for Yui, and everything will be okay and we won't attack any from the Sakamaki's, Mukami's and Yui." Carla smirked "Or..." Shin smirked also with Carla.

"Live for Yui, She will die and no-one will get hurt... But if you did live for Yui, They would seem hopeless and empty... You have seen them with her, Happy, cheerful... You don't wanna ruin that now, Do you?" Carla grinned evily.

"........" Was all Y/N could say.


Everyone looked up and Saw a Subaru and a Subaru!

(The car brand and Subaru himself)

He used a fallen tree as a ramp and landed it perfectly (somehow?).

Subaru seemee angry with Shin and Carla? "Leave her alone" Subaru then kicked Shin in the knee's and fell.

Carla slit a bit of Y/N's throat but before he could do more, Subaru teleported behind him and pulled his hair. He grabbed the silver knife and cut Y/N's ropes and helped her up.

"Nice coming back" Y/N smiled "Liked my entry?" He asked "Of course, A subaru and a Subaru, Its a perfect match" Y/N smiled and did this sign 👌

They put there backs against each others and were ready for battle. Shin and Carla got up and wolves were ready to attack.

"You ready?" Subaru asked.

"Always has been" Y/N smiled.

"3...2...1... Lets go!"

Sakamaki's Sister (Diabolik Lovers fanfiction) [COMPLETE✔]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara