The Founders

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"Stupid!" Subaru punched a wall "pancake left us again" Ayato  complained "little B*tch" Laito spoke "Who is going to have tea parties with me now!" Kanato cried "So...nosiy" Shu complained about the noise level "Everybody stop complaining and shut up!" Reiji shouted causing everyone to stop.

"So what if she is with the Mukami's, We all know she is coming back" Reiji said, The door slammed opened and to see a face they haven't seen for a while "Y/n?" Ayato peeked over the chair "Hi" Y/N said cheerfully and hugged them all "Where is Yui?" Kanato asked "Oh, She ain't coming back" Y/N smiled.

"What!" They all said "Yo! I came to see you guys, my brothers and this is what i get! I looked after you for how long!? I treated you with respect and faith but this is what i get, Going after a girl that hasn't been there for you or whole life, and your wondering why i left.... Because  of you all and Yui but mainly you guys. I thought you might have some sense and treat me like i do to you" Y/N said with tears forming and with anger "Y/N?" Ayato whispered "I bring back your precious bloodbag and go live in the woods because now she also has taken the Mukami's away from me" Y/n spoke and left "Y/N wait!" They all spoke but Y/N dissappeared..

"What have we done?" Reiji sadly said "Something unforgivable" Ayato also said Sadly.


The door crushed down, Wolves attacked and tried looking for a certain blondie with pink eyes. They all dodged attacks from them, the wolves left a mess and went away.

Y/n sat up in a tree wondering what she is going to do with her life now "I've done everythong for my brothers, this is what i get in return" Y/n sharpened a silver knife.

She heard sticks breaking and bushes moving? She peeked over where the noise was coming from, It was those wolves again from the Mukami's.

Y/n stayed as quite as she could. The wolves then picked up a scent, Then sniffed closer to Y/N and then the tree trunk.

'They are sniffing my scent!'

Y/N thought, Then a whistle blew and the wolves followed the noise. That.... was close.

-2 days later-

The Mukami's visited to Sakamaki's manner and shouted at them "Where is Yui!" "She was with you last!" Ayato shoutes back "Well, She came over to visit you!" Yuma shouted "Well little b*tch ain't here" Laito said calmly "Wait, Were you attack by wolves?" Reiji asked Ruki "Yes, You?" "Yes, just 2 days ago" Reiji explained.

"They were not normal wolves" Kanato said "Yeah, they weren't, normal at all" Kou wonder "They were the Founder's Wolves" Reiji and Ruki said at the same time.

"Who are they?" Everyone expect Reiji and Ruki asked Confused.

-10 mins of explaining-

"Oh" Thats all they said.
"So they must of have Yui" Ayato said with a little bit of anger.

"Where... is..Y/N?" Azusa asked "Uh... She dissappeared-" Shu eas cut off "What!" Yuma and Kou said "What did you do!"


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