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Y/N went to go pick some roses for some decorations around the house, Of course Yui was there.

She got really annoying for Y/N to handle. Next Y/N might not save her because of her annoyance.

Y/N picked a blooming F/C rose that standed out more then the others?

"Thats a beautiful Rose" Yui spoke "I know, Thats why I'm picking it" Y/N removed the thorns and placed it into a cute case with cute patterns.

Y/N smiled as it bloomed more, Subaru then came out. "Leave her" Y/N spoke and kept picking roses, Subaru only growled and sat next to Y/N.

"I'm just... going inside" Yui said "Don't blame me if you get bite" Y/N warned her "Ok" She smiled and walked away and then she... tripped.

"Clumsy much?" Y/N spoke and Suabru Chuckled. "Its been a long time since we done this" Y/N smiled happily " I know.... I miss doing it with you" Subaru smiled back.

"Not like i care or anything!" He quickly replied "yeah yeah, whatever" Y/N giggled. Y/N have subaru a hug and kissed his cheek, He blushed "W-what was that f-for!" Subaru said embrassed.

"To show how much i love you as a brother" Y/N smiled and went back to picking... Subaru also went back to picking roses.

"Remember that time you dressed up in a little pink cute dress when we played dress up" Y/N remembered the fun and cute times with Subaru.

"Don't remind me" He said with embrassment again.

Y/N punched his shoulder lightly "stop being such a party pooper!"

- 2 hours later -

Subaru and Y/N put the roses around the place and chilled out. Y/n went to check on Yui, She was knocked out on her bed. "Ayato, Dis you bite her?" Y/N asked Ayato "Yes.. I was thristy" He complained "Ok, Just make sure you don't take all her blood" Y/N reminded him.

"Yeah yeah" He spoke and went over to Yui?

Laito then came down the hallway with flowers? "Who are they for?" Y/N asked Laito "For Bit*h-Chan of course" He smirked and put them near her.

Reiji then went inside her room and read her book? Shu took a nap with her? Kanato gave her a hold of Teddy?

What has gotten into them? Subaru walked over to me.

"Whats going on?" He asked

"something...That i don't like... at all"

Y/N walked away angry.

"Huh?" Subaru looked inside Yui's room...

"Oh" He said and walked away also but to his room.

Y/N was in her room...

L-Laito... Gave Yui... My special roses... I grew for t-the family.

R-Reiji read Yui my.... Favourite bo-book to her...

A-Ayato seems to... really like... her... better then... me...

S-Shu took... a nap with... her!

Kana-Kanato gave Yui... a hold of... Teddy....

Y/N formed tears... what happened.

Y/N  looked over to her vase of roses.


Sakamaki's Sister (Diabolik Lovers fanfiction) [COMPLETE✔]Where stories live. Discover now