Entry #2 I guess

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Wow, Wattpad is still relevant lmao? No offense Wattpad. It's been a quick minute since I've written anything in here. I forgot I even had a Wattpad for a while lmao, but it's cool.

I've been doing good, living my life, yada yada. I don't really know what to talk about. I've been pretty happy for a while now, I'm have a bunch of loving friends, and it's cool

November 24 marked the day that my dad died. It has officially been 2 years, and wow, can I just say how much stuff has happened. I've grown as a person, learning how to cope with a life changing event. I've lost and gained friends, and I've met people who went through the same ting as me. I've valued life more and I'm doing much better than I thought I ever could.

It's crazy to think how much you change after a death. I dunno, I'm just trying to write something here.

Well, maybe I'll write later, who knows. No one reads this anyways lol so I'm good

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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