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Hello everyone! I havent updated in forever, I'm gomen. Anyway, let's talk about my Life shall we?

So, right now I'm in squaw Valley (idk how to spell it XD). Its snowing and I'm excited to go sledding. Recently, I got in a fight with a friend. I was off my pills, and when I'm off them, I get really honest, rude, and just sad. Everything I said to them was honest, just put in an rude way. They said they were upset because I had all the attention because my dad died. Without my pill, I tend to snap easier. After about 2 days of no pills, I couldn't hold my feelings anymore. I forgave them, but I'm still kinda upset.

Christmas was awesome! I got homestuck shirts, a sewing machine, a kindle fire, and more. I can't wait to learn to sew. Thats about all I have.

Until next time

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