Entry 8

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So, I feel I might delete this journal because I really am lazy and too tired to update things. But anyway, a lot has happened. First things first, I actually sewed something! I made a pillow which is actually pretty cool to me. Also, I got an iPhone! So, a friend of mine decided to leave me. Just like that. Apparently I'm really depressing? Can't really help it. What do you expect me to say? "Oh yeah, I have really severe mental conditions and my father died, but who cares! I'm so happy haha, so so happy!" No. I sounded like a trickster XD but yeah. If they can't handle my depression, how do they think I feel? I take 7 pills a day, no big deal ya know. No, but seriously. I still have my other friend with me, and I'm not planning to lose them anytime soon. I'm pretty lonely though , so please if you want to, message me. I'm pretty shy and awkward, but I do enjoy company! Also, I got my red contacts! They are so lovely. Tomorrow is omeglestuck night, so I I hope to meet a lot of new people! My terezi glasses broke ;-; (I'm not very careful haha....) but with my wig, gray paint, horns, shirt, and contacts, I'm sure you'll tell who I am. So my next cosplay goals are: gemstuck! Roxy, nepeta or meulin (haven't decided yet) , rose and maybe kanaya if I can sew her skirt. So yeah, that's all I have for right now. Until next times lovelies,
Hannah ;3

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