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Heyyy XD so my weekend has been pretty uneventful. Everytime my sister went out to do something, I would just stay inside. I'm very very lazy XD so on Saturday I spent the whole day making outfits for my character Astrid in my pewdiepie fan fiction and writing chapters and developing plot. I'm pretty sure it's shit so far, but I'm trying. anyway, today I slept in kinda late because I went to bed at three a.m. XD then, I was on youtube and writing a new parts for my next chapter on my story. I'VE DELETED 2 LONG PARAGRAPHS BY ACCIDENT BECAUSE I'M A FUCKING IDIOT. then it toke a nap and here I am XD. Alright so I was reading Markiplier Imagines and there was a smut part. I read smut, but usually when my hormones act up.... *blush* even if I'm asexual, I do get horny, I'm human ya know!haha.... so I was like "let's read it" and I get uncomfortable after the neck kissing. Now for me, neck kissing is a turn on.... it's never happened to me but when I read it or see it, it's adorable. Anyway, when it mentioned.... the fucky thing, I started to choke and I threw my phone..... hahahahaha. Now I'm reading fluff because dear God that scared me. Well, that's all for now....
See you later

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