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Hello, it's your favorite sad boi™, Leo!

It's been a long fucking time since I've written anything at all lol, and I apologize. I've just been too lazy and unmotivated to write about my life. And A LOT has happened in the time I haven't written.

I guess I'll start with theater. In the fall, our school's drama club presented (idk if that's the right word to use,,,, I'm really tired) The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. I was in it, which was really cool! I was a background character, but I had 3 different costumes, as I played male and females one each side lol.

Next, during November (I think), my mom had a heart attack. She survived and she's fine now, don't worry! It was scary because you know, my dad died from an heart attack. Christmas was fun, and I got a lot of stuff I wanted

Fucking there is too much shit to go over lol. I'll talk about the recent months now; My stepdad recently had a heart attack as well, and it was scary, but I wasn't as scared as I was with my mom. My stepdad's okay, but I care about my mom more.

Now In theater, we're doing The Three Musketeers, which sounds like so much fun! I, once again, stuck with a small role; A towns person. more specifically, a baker, which makes me happy. It does get kinda frustrating bc of how hectic and rushed the play was, but it's lit.

My stepsister had her baby and his name is Liam. He's adorable but I didn't get to see him because I was sick. That kinda made me upset because my stepsister lives in Nevada, so I had to miss school to go. I got sick a few days prior but I wanted to go anyways, thinking I'd be able to see him and hold him. I was wrong, and so the trip was lowkey a waste for me. But from the photos I've seen, he's super cute! He was born with an extra thumb on one hand which is super super cool, but the doctors think that it's just skin and no bone, so they plan to remove it.

Anyways, My emotions and social stuff:

I've been feeling really, really good, besides being sick. Finally, I can say that I actually love myself and my life! I really love it all, no matter how sad I seem. I have amazing friends, family, and the support is crazy! I guess I'm a happy boi™ lol. 

Stuff has been going on lately with my social life.

I bet you thought I would go into more detail on it, haha. Nah, I'm not going to tell every person about what's happening, and say shit that I'm never going to do (Ex: "I can't wait for tomorrow to talk to Jasmin face to fucking face..." lol she never did it). I'm also not going to judge someone because of rumors (ex: "She's been known to lie to everyone and everything before" lol u said you don't judge anyone by rumors and shit)

I'm definitely am not going to say (word for word. this is about me written by a leech)

"Orrr I've been trying to relate to the wrong person for four years and now that I've realized that this person isn't going anywhere with their life, I'm actually doing good. Good grades get you a good job. You actually need skill to get a job without good grades, and as far as I can tell, that's definitely something you lack. "


"I don't need some depressed little shit to tell me that I'm weak" 

Ahahahah, nice. Anyways, if you want the full detail about all of this and these messages, hit up @kyranmcquay and she'll tell you her side of the story (Even though its exaggerated, idc at this point lol)

But to be clear; I'm not a "depressed little shit" lol. Though I have depression and take pills for it, I'm very happy. I've been happy for 7 months, and she hasn't noticed lol. But, now I'm even happier.

Anyways, cheers for good days and good vibes my dudes.

Love you all 

also, idk how often I'll be posting updates, but so you know I'm alive and well!

~Leo hehe 

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