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Hello everyone! Its Hannah and I'm back. sorry I was gone. I already explained that my dad died if you didn't see it. Not much has happened really. My friends broke up, and I've been really emotionally drained. oh and I broke my 2 months clean streak. I miss my dad alot. I saw him on wendsday before they cremated him and he didnt look right...... he was so pale and cold and yeah.... but its alright, because im trying to be positive for him! anyway, I got my computer working finally and im learing how to create Kandi! Im making a Markiplier cuff!

Well..... lately it's been easy for me to get pissed off, sad,or happy. And all the drama that keeps coming and going is killing me. I really don't want to snap at my friends, but I'm scared I might. Like when they complain about family, it makes me mad. At least your dad is alive and your sister doesn't hate tour whole family's guts! At least you don't have to deal with a loss! And recently a friend lied about having MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder), and they know how much it pisses me off when you self diagnose or lie about a serious mental problem!but I said it's okay, like I always do! I need to stop saying everything is okay and forgive easily ! Its driving me insane. I've been so fucking stressed and I'm not sure how long I can put up my "happy go lucky silly loud" act. I'm just tired. I have been more suicidal then ever. I love to listen to people, but when they complain about how there "going insane" it shit like that, I can't take it. I really need a shoulder to cry on, but all my friends have problems of there own.

Ill just have to wait in an ocean of dispair and slowly drown... alone...


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