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Oh hey, didn't see you there. It's your friend, Leo, back at it again  ◝( > ω<) ◟ If you get this reference you're my new friend and I love you. Anyways, I'm back and I feel pretty emotionally stable. I'm still sick but I'm getting better and hopefully I won't fuck up my writing XD. I don't really think I structure these entries so Ima just do my thing. Now lets see how this little fuck is doing :3 

Okay for fanfic and shit I'm still working on a plot for my ml fanfic I'm sorry! I kinda procrastinate a lot. I'm also working on a new part of my one shots that is pure ace sin XD. I'm starting to lose motivation but hopefully I won't sink into the deep abyss that is writers block. Umm that's basically what's up rn.

Okay feelings: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ eh

 Other shit: 

okay so in PE on Wednesday, we ran the mile which sucked ass but funny shit happened. So the males were running before the females and my friend was running. He's hella fake to two girls who hate me. One said I'm too emotional and I'm like da faq? of course I am. anyways the started to cheer him on (They keep trying to steal him away from me and my friends bc we're "Bad influences" lol) and I accidentally snorted at them really loudly and on of them gave me THE BITCH FACE OF THE FUCKING YEAR. It was amazing I can't really explain but me and my meowrail   started to crack up and we were the only ones who saw it. After the mile, we sat in the gym for a bit and my friends and I were sitting by a basketball hoop no one was using and all the sudden these asshole kids started to use it and a basketball almost hit one of my friends (Luckily the 'rail was able to smack it away) and I got pissed and screamed "I'M SMOL, GAY, AND REALLY ANGRY FIGHT ME" and everyone in my squad started to laugh hella hard and it was the best thing ever because this douchecanoe who is super religious and against the lgbtq+ community prolly heard and the reaction would have been amazing.

Anyways that's all I got and hopefully I can finish the plot and start writing my fanfic and maybe finish my one shot. Till next time~~

~Leo (^・ω・^ )

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