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How do I even start this stuff off? Oh whale XD I'm back, but not a whole lot has been happening. Lets just uh yeah.... Im so awkward haha....

So I am still working on part 2 of the one-shot A Mutter, and It's almost finished!!! ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ (This Emoticon is called "strutting Leo", which is only appropriate) The only problem is that I think the writers block is coming back. I currently don't know what to do to finish it, and I would ask for help, but I gotta do this on my own. The thought that one day this trash author will finish their one-shot fills you with DETERMINATION. 

anyways, I've actually been semi-productive. I am now learning how to code stuff, which I am very excited about. I really wanted to learn to code, but I didn't know where to start. I finally found an useful and easy website. It's called codecademy if any of you wanted to know. It's actually going pretty well, and it's surprisingly easy. Anyways, yeah :3

Oh and yeah, I finally made the book (is it qualified as a book? lol) where I'll put all my drafts in. I don't feel like typing out the description again, so yeah. 

Well that's all I got for now. Until next time, humans ヘ(=^・ω・^= )ノ

~ Leo

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