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Hey! Guess who's back? Hannah's back. XD  sorry bout that. I'm a loser. Not much really happened during the week. Well, my dad got discharged from the hospital so yay! he had a bad ulcer, but he's okay now, just recovering for a bit. Ohohohohoh! Okay so two of my best friends are in an relationship together! And I helped! For the sake of privacy, I won't say gender or name. They can comment if they want. Anyway, me being born a shipper, it is my duty (haha duty) to help the ones in need. So I did. It was awesome XD. I still can't get over meeting pewds XD.

So I'm thinking on making a fan fiction. I can do ocs of my own, because I feel like I can't impersonate someone. I want to challenge myself. I want to do a pewdiepie or Markiplier fan fiction.... maybe even a cry fan fiction. I just get really shy.... I read a lot of fan fiction containing those three. There good, but they always fall in love to fast. That bothers me. Maybe it's because I don't really believe in true love? Either way, I will do one, but I'm not doing an insert your name one because I will need alot of practice for those haha…°-°'

I think that's it... bye for now

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