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Hey! Sorry I haven't updated lately. I get bad writers block even when it comes to these things XD. Not like much people read this anyway. Moving on XD I have made the decision to become Celibate. Yes, like Kankri XD. Of course it's not because of religion. I did something stupid and I feel disgusting about it so for a while I shall remain celibate. I DID NOT HAVE SEX. Let me make that clear. I'm asexual. I'm not sure how long I'll be celibate, so yeah.
Moving on to today, nothing super wild happened.... WAIT I'M LYING XD My friend hit my other friend in the balls hella hard twice XD it was Hilarious. Hmm.... what else? After school I searched up Pepe the frog because I was bored. I was scarred for some of the shit I saw. Thats basically it for now. BYE!!

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