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hello everone! I promised myself I would make a journal if anything ever amazing happened and continued it. So I want to tell you a couple of things about me before I get onto the exciting news. My name is Hannah, I am 14 Years old. I am panromantic and agender, so please try to use they/them/theirs. Not an it. I love vocaloids, homestuck, Steven universe, and YouTube. Ask me anything else you wanna know!
Okay, so today I got to meet my hero, PEWDIEPIE. I have a picture up if you want to see it. Its shitty but I love it. I was crying so much XD I hugged him so many times. I told him he was my hero. You have no idea how great it felt to meet him in person. Hes so sweet XD anyways, he helped me through depression by making me laugh, and seeing the good side of life. I got his book and it's hilarious! You should get it. Its worth it XD. Anyway, that's really all there is to say on the topic.

So let's talk about crushes *oohhh* XD. I have one. I'm keeping their gender and name a secret because if privacy. Their so adorable. I know they probably don't like me. Its okay, I'm used to it. I will remain forever alone. Life is tough. XD

Well, that's all. Thank you for reading this if you do! Bye for now!

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