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Oh my gosh I haven't written anything in forever. and my grammar is just as bad as it usually is >.> That's not the point. Hello everyone, I am alive (sadly). I am currently in Maui, which is one of the Hawaiian islands. I get to miss a whole week of school for this! (my mum got our spring break dates confused) . So Anyways lets catch up. (Diego I swear to god if you're reading this)

So on top of fandoms and that shit: I'm still into Homestuck (ITS OFFICIALLY ENDING ON 4/13 KILL ME), Steven universe, Undertale, and a new one called Miraculous Ladybug. Ejdkdgkldanga   I love ML so much but I'll save that for my ship book (I'll be updating soon hopefully) SO ALSO I GOT ON AN ASKBLOG  ON TUMBLR (Its called ask-understuck-kids). Its a askblog ran by one of my friends Danny (he's hella cool and tbh he is the King of Gays). I'm the Terezi (who is pyrope ironically) and yeah. When I get back from Maui I'm definitely going to go online. ANYWAYS, Miraculous Ladybug season 1 is over and at first I was chill because I though a new episode was gonna be next week, then I found out it was going to be 5+ months before season 2 anD THEY LEFt IT WITH a FUKCING CLIFFHANGer AND IM DEAD aND I SWEAR TO GOd  HAWKMOTH IS SOMEWHERE IN PARIS AND HE'S JUST LIKE "hello".  well um, thats basically it I think. oH WAIT IM PLANNING ON DOING A MARINETTE OR ADRIEN COSPLAY YAS BOO. 

Okay for feeling: Still single as a pringle but not willing to mingle. Sure sometimes I miss being in a relationship, but being celibate is nice because I save myself from heart break. I'm not sure if I believe in true love, but you never know. Life has chosen to fuck me over countless times with heart break. Several people who were close to me have died, I lost some one I "loved" (platonically), and just fucking relationships have just hurt me. I seriously cannot handle more heart break. Anyways, so more feeling,  I agreed to be "cool" with a certain "friend" of mine. But lately, I feel is hate. Hate is something very strong, and I don't like it, but every time I think of them, my anger rises and I wish I could just destroy them. I can't even control it at this point and I'm scared. All my friends who I have told about what happened agreed that this person is a selfish, greedy person who needs power over everything. They are manipulative, and even if they save they have any emotions, I doubt they do. I feel that they never cared about me, they used me for something and threw me away like garbage when they were done. It hurts and I'm crying while writing this, But what can I do? They threw me away after my dad died.  They said it was best for both of us and they cant hurt me anymore. WELL THEY OBVIOUSLY DON'T KNOW WHAT IS FUCKING BEST FOR ME BECAUSE THEY ONLY THOUGHT ABOUT THEMSELVES. THEY MIGHT AS WELL CARVE THEIR NAME INTO MY ARM BECAUSE THEY HELPED PUSH ME OFF THE FUCKING EDGE. I'm sorry, that was rude. but other than that, I'm totally okay.

sorry I try to avoid doing stuff like that. but yeah, that's all for now. So until next time loves :3 

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