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Hey everyone, its your favorite kool kat Leo :3 let's just get to topics and such I guess

So I'm currently typing a fanfic I wrote on paper for my ml one shots, and I'm going at a slow pace for many reasons. For starters, all of my teachers decided it would be a fucking wonderful idea to assign projects at the last week of school before finals. Im currently trying not to kill myself from stress so yeah. Also, I was writing earlier today, but my hands were so shaky I couldn't even type. It was very bad. And like I've said before, my electronics are taken away which means if I want to write anything, its gotta be on my kindle or my phone (I'm sneaking them >:3) and I take longer at typing and fuck I mess up so much.

Okay so on feelings: my crush figured out I liked them and they didn't really give an reaction... I was family zoned at one point and so I'm p sure its unrequited love and it hurts. But I think its for the best because long distance relationships are hard and I'm not sure if I can handle dating. But I think I have another crush and I think they like me back >w< no one knows who I like so its a mystery for everyone. But I know my crush IRL and their funny (and offensive) and so geeky I swear I wanna just squeal. But I'm not sure if they like me and I'm not gonna push anything (pft I flirt with them all the time X3) I'm starting to miss a relationship more now even if Im not big on the whole "I won't leave your side Ever" thing. I see cute cosplay videos and I cry bc I want a bae. Oh well, fanfics will have to do for now.

That's all I really gotta say. I'm tired so night everyone and sleep well
Leo :3

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