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Hey guys! Sorry about last time, I was a bit moody. I still feel romantically frustrated but what can you do   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So I kinda want to explain my romantic frustration a bit more. It's come to that point where I think of a friend of mine (not stating who :3) and say "yeah I would make out with them." Last time I felt like that it didn't turn out great. But I don't want to talk about those times... anyways, it's really starting to annoy me because I was and I want to continue to be happy with being single. I know I have to wait for the one or whatever, but everyone around me seem so happy to be in a relationship. I just don't want to go back to the times where I was desperate and made bad decisions. I don't know... but I guess I have to wait.

On to fanfic: fuck me I'm STILL working on a plot. This might take a lot longer than I expected I'm sorry. I'm at the point where my motivation is running low. I am working on a one-shot right now, but I might be slowly typing it. Sorry, I seem to have low motivation. Plus summer school makes me want to do nothing but lay down and sleep.

AYYY SO I'M GOING TO THE SAC PRIDE FESTIVAL :D I'm so excited even though it's supposed to be hotter than satan's balls. I might be able to make a couple of friends or meet a special someone ;3 (I highly doubt it though). So yeah.

That's all I got (And I'm lazy XD) so, until next time

~Leo ヽ(=^・ω・^=)丿

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