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Hey, the lame author™ is back ヘ(=^・ω・^= )ノ

Anyways, life is okay right now. I'm doing alright, just tired and stressed but that's normal. I'm still somehow writing fanfic, but I'm gonna go at a slow pace bc I'll lose all motivation if I force myself to write. I'm still developing a plot to my Fanfic for ML, but I'm doing better I promise! I'm also writing stuff in my note book, so if I like what I wrote I'll just type it out online :3

So my teacher in English needed to catch up on grading, so we watched Romeo and Juliet. OKAY OFF TOPIC MY BAE KYRAN IS WRITING AN AMAZING STORY AND THE IDEA WAS SO GOOD I ACCIDENTALLY SMACKED MY HEAD REALLY HARD AGAINST THE FUCKIN TABLE. Anywayssss, it was the one produced in like the 70's or somefin like that and when Romeo kissed Juliet IT WAS SO AKWARD AND IT MADE ME CRINGE AND CRACK UP.
Don't know why that's important but oh whale.

I'm not sure if anything else has happened.... OH YEAH THERE IS XD
So in pe I have a bunch of popular/ fake people in my class and they hate me bc I'm fuckin loud and obnoxious but they can fight me. So we're playing hockey and I'm fuckin laughing because this one person keeps trying to take away another of my friends. This person doesn't get that my friend doesn't like her and is hella fake XD but it's annoying and she can fucking bit me. And she "accidentally" hit me with her hockey stick (luckily it was my foot) she said sorry (super fake tho) and I'm like 'it's fine' but I know whats up XD eh I don't really care at this point

I'm tired and a mess™ so I'm just gonna leave it off here. Also my life is not really interesting lol ヽ(;▽;)ノ

Okay so now it's 5 almost 6 and my phone is on 6% but it's raining hard (at least it was) and there is thunder and lightning and one thing you should know is I'm terrified of that stuff so naturally I'm fucking freaking out and the power keeps on going on and off and I just wanted to have a good day ; - ;

So today a kid named Vince told me to kill myself. I'll speak more on it later.
Leo is v scared

Leo ヾ(=`ω'=)ノ"

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