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Hellooooo everybody my name is Leo and welcome to another depressing entry! Well towards the end anyways :3

So, I know you're all like ' wtf who is Leo why are you calling yourself Leo?' Well, there are good reasons. I've always wanted to change my name or use a nickname. I was always scared to do it because if people forgot. Remember when I changed my pronouns? These are steps to being who I really want to be. I never liked my name. A lot of people don't like their name. I like the old times, but my name just sounded too old to me. It doesn't fit me. I also want to let Hannah go because I never truly felt happy with my name. Of course if you know me irl, you aren't required to call me Leo, but it's much preferred.

Okay why I chose Leo: I've always been a fan of that name. I never really mentioned it because it was always in the back of my head. Leo associates with the Galaxy, which I love. I know it's a zodiac sign XD I love leo also because nepeta man 0u0 my internet friends supported my decision and are now calling me Leo and it makes me so happy ; u ; it's kinda funny bc I'm a libra who goes by Leo hehe. Yeah I know it's more masculine but do I give a flying fuck about genders or anything like that? fuck no!

How I'm doing:
Fucking terrible :) I'm just a hot mess™
Okay so like I'm slowly cooling off, I'm not super mad anymore, but I can get hella mad again in an instant. So me and a friend had a feels jam and it was kinda nice because I haven't really had one with them in a while.
So uh, I think I got my heart broken again. An Internet friend of mine (who I just now realized I had a crush on him) got together with another one of my internet friends. I was too damn shy and I wasn't sure if I really did like him to say anything and it hurts. They are adorable but I feel kinda jealous and my heart is broken again it feels like. God I sound like an overdramatic teenager. I guess I am haha.... But he's so happy and if he's happy, I'm happy. And the person who he's dating is so happy too. I'm happy yet sad. It's a bittersweet tragedy... Feelings suck bluh bluh yeah. Life just likes to flip around when I think I got it sorted out

Well until next time (hopefully I'll be happy), love you all

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