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Hello everyone, wow I actually updated sooner than I usually do haha. I don't really have much to talk about, but oh whale, Ima do this anyways B3. oh and I got my stuff back, yay :3. Back online (aka my life)

So for stories: I'm currently working on a lot of Miraculous Ladybug stuff. I mean A LOT. Like 5 one-shots because I like to write ideas out before I forget because I always do. And its going to take me a while to actually write the story I had planned on (I'm changing the plan lol) so I figured I can make one-shots to keep me motivated because writers block. And yes Luna, I promise I'm almost done with my first one-shot. Don't kill me please. oh and Kyran: fuck you. JK BBY I LOVE YOU. annyywwayyys, yeah.

For cosplays: Eh I'm not  there yet

Feelings: I've been doing okay. I'm cool. Sorry for last time. I was very upset. I still kinda am but whatever. And I think I actually do have a crush but the chances of us getting together is 99.99 percent impossible so das okay :3. Okay so lately the urge to cut has been so fucking strong like you have no idea. But for some reason, I can't. I can't bring myself to do it. I really really want to. But I had a thought: Do I cut for attention? I don't think so. I don't like attention or pity all that much. Am I trying to call out for help by cutting? I do have legit reasons, but I'm scared, I'm scared that I'm doing it for attention because I'm selfish. I don't want to think like that because I'm scared that I am selfish. I don't want to be selfish. That's the number one thing I try not to be. but whatever, Other than that I'm good. Don't get sleep that often but I'm good. 

I don't think I have any more to say. This is relatively short I'm sorry. So I guess I'll see you next time, until then..... STAY TRASH BITCHES  

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