Chapter Twenty-Five

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Shawn's POV

Nevada let out a shaky breath and I grabbed her hand to interlock her fingers with mine.

"It's going to be great," I said, kissing her forehead and popped a breath mint before handing her one.

"Does my breath stink?" She said covering her mouth, and I laughed for what seemed like the millionth time tonight.

"It reeks of alcohol," I said and she whimpered, as I jammed my key into the lock and turned it.

We walked into my cozy childhood home and her eyes immediately scanned the room.

"Mum! We're here" I called out and my cat Jasmine jumped at my voice and ran toward me, meowing loudly.

"Bubba, you're home!" Aaliyah shouted and basically sprung herself into my arms.

"Hi, I missed you!" I said putting her down and ruffling her hair.

"Nevada!" Aaliyah said throwing her arms around my girlfriend's neck. They were both the same height, and it's crazy to me how much she has grown while I was away.

"Mum's in the kitchen," she said while leading us to our mother.

"Hi, mum," I said greeting her with a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"Hi, Shawn! I've missed you so much. Nevada, darling it's so nice to see you again," she said engulfing Nev in a hug, and I shot her a thumbs up as she got pale.

"Mrs. Mendes, it's my pleasure. Thank you for having me over tonight" she said hiccuping and my eyes go wide.

"Here's some water and a pill for that hangover you'll soon be getting," my dad said handing me and Nevada a bottle of Tylenol and water.

"Dad!" I said while he hugged me and stretched out his hand to shake Nevada's. I can tell she was still nervous but she managed to help my mum set the table and we all sat down for dinner.

"How'd you know we had been drinking?"

"You both smell like a brewery" he said and Nevada sunk back into her seat.

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