Chapter Fifteen

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A few minutes have gone by and I was starting to get worried about Dylan. I found my way down to his living room, to find his front door wide open.

“Don’t be dead” I muttered closing my eyes and fumbling to turns the lights on.

“Dylan!” I shouted.

He walks out of the kitchen with a mouthful of chips, “Hey, Nev.”

“Dylan, what the hell? Who was at the door?”

“Oh, just the UPS dude, package for my mom.”

I let put a sigh of relief, “You left the door open, dumbass.”

He laughed, “Did you close it?”

“No? I'm the guest, why would I?”

“My god, Nev. It's a door,” He said, letting out a weird laugh.

By the time it was 2AM, I decided to head back to my place, and I bid goodbye to Dylan. I didn’t live far away but I took my time getting home.

When I got home, the huge house was empty. There was no noise, no people, just me.

“I want a dog.” I said aloud for no one to hear.

But I turned on the lights and the TV and the first channel that popped up was some celebrity news show.

“Shawn Mendes plus Mystery Girl. Yesterday at Shawn Mendes’ Miami show, he announced very clearly to everyone in the arena, that he loved someone, this girl's name we have discovered, is Nevada. We don’t know much about her but I can tell she means something to him. We found her twitter, but she deactivated it, seems to me like she doesn’t feel the same way about the Canadian singer."

An image of Shawn holding out his hand for mine plays across the screen, along with me shouting “I love you Shawn” and him pausing and saying he loved me back.

“After Shawn announced this, Nevada ran away. Who would run away from Shawn Mendes? Especially after he professed his love.” There's a clip of me pushing through the crowds and bolting up the stairs of the arena, “And just last night, Shawn tweeted out lyrics to one of his songs, I don't even know your name. Then, his last tweet of the night said; @wellnev where the fuck are you? I love you and I'm sorry.”

My eyes widened as I watched the story unfold, “Now I don't know about you, but if Shawn announced to the world that he loved me, I'd for sure be in his arms. Well, that's it for today! We hope you enjoyed this edition of--” I didn't let her finish and shut off the TV.

“Calm down, Nev, you're fine. You made the right decision. He lied to you for months, you were right to stop things. He doesn't deserve you if he's going to lie.” I told myself.

My phone started buzzing in my pocket and I pulled it out to see Dylan's name in bold letters across the screen.

“Hey, what's up?”

“You need to get on Twitter. Right now.” He said, his voice rushed.

“Uh, okay?” I replied.

I walked over to my computer and opened it up, signing in to my backup account. I’m still on the phone with Dylan and I laughed at the hashtags that were trending.

#FINDNEVADA is trending” Both Dylan and I, snorted.


“#WHOISNEVADA” I said, and I’m amazed by the amount of concern they were all showing, and yet there was minimal hate.

“He’s just being dramatic. He knows where I live.”

“You were at my place for hours.”

“That’s very true.”

It was silent for a few minutes as I scrolled through the tweets until Dylan spoke, “Hey, Nev?”

“Yup?” I replied.

Why aren't you going after Shawn? He said he loved you and everything.

“You know I hate being lied to. I know you remember what happened with Chris. I don't want to go through that again.”

“Nevada, Shawn isn't Chris. He's the complete opposite. I know Chris hurt you. What he did was fucked up, but Shawn is nothing like him. Chris didn't want to show you off, he was scared to, but Shawn announced to thousands that he loved you. Posted it on Twitter, Nev, he really cares about you. You need to let him in.”

“I have to go, I'll talk to you later.”  

Wait, Nev--” I cut him off by hanging up and slammed shut my computer.

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