Chapter Five

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Nevada's POV

I've been talking with Ryan for a couple days now and he's a great guy but he's also a really bad texter.

We actually learnt a lot of about each other and it's like we've been friends forever. Ryan has a really good personality and sadly he went back to Canada for a couple of days before we could hang out or something, you know- finally put a name to a face.

However, Dylan had approached me again asking me for my number and I was a little hesitant since I gave it to someone else the last time.

"Hand me your phone," I said stretching my hand out.

"Why!" Dylan chuckled.

"So that I give the right person my number this time" I rolled my eyes while typing my number in and sending myself a message.

"Oh, how's that going? Are you sure Ryan's not a serial killer? Why are you still talking to him? Is he threatening you Nevada?"

"Whoa Sherlock, what's with the sudden interrogation?"

"It seems like he might have a shot with you before I do" I heard him, incoherently say under his breath.

"What?" I asked quite confused.

"I have to get to class," he said abruptly getting up and basically sprinting away from me.

"Okay weird" I️ said awkwardly smiling to myself, before looking back down at my phone to text my new best friend.


Nevada: okay, the weirdest thing just happened...

Ryan: what?

Nevada: remember that guy Dylan, I told you about?

Ryan: yeah, the boy you think is SUPER cute! 😒🙄

Nevada: The one and only... Anyways, he asked for my number again after I explained how you got my number, and he said "It seems like he might have a shot with you before I do" which I don't understand, but then again he doesn't know I️ have perfectly good hearing. Then he just left.

Ryan: you're quite a dumbass Nevada. The kid likes you, but the question is do you really like him.?

Nevada: okay, first of all, rude, and second, I mean I think so, but I feel like my feelings have changed. He ditched John Mayer and that's a huge turnoff.

Ryan: here's my advice: go on a date with him and see how it goes, by the end of the date you'll be able to decide.

Nevada: really... just go out on a date? What if it doesn't work? What if we're totally incompatible? I'm going to lose my friend just because of the psycho muffin loving Canadian, aka YOU.

Ryan: just go on a date, I can guarantee he will still be your friend even if it doesn't work out. Then you have to tell me all the juicy details because I'd be honored to laugh at your failure, and how you're going to die alone.

Nevada: I better not die alone.

Ryan: you won't, because you'll have me to fall back on duh.

Nevada: but... I don't know what you look like, wouldn't that be weird?

Ryan: What would be weird is that if we continue to talk and never agree to meet in person. I'm 100% sure that we will meet face to face properly before we both turn 30.

Nevada: and how do you know?

Ryan: because you and I are going to meet where you work and you're going to know exactly who I am because I'll start singing treat you better right to you.

Nevada: why that song? You know I don't like Sean Mendez and boy you know you can't sing for your life!

Ryan: Ouch, but what song would you like me to sing?

Nevada: Use Somebody by kings of leon.

Ryan: Luckily that's my favorite song so alright, I will, but do you think you'd give me the chance to change your mind about Shawn?

Nevada: why do you care so much if I stanned him or not?

Ryan: because you're too kind and amazing to carry that hate in your heart. He doesn't deserve it. He's actually a really nice person. We Canadians are genuinely humble people.

Nevada: awe now you're making me blush... also, how do you know he's a nice person?

Ryan: we're one and the same.

Nevada: and if I don't change my mind about him?

Ryan: then we can no longer be friends....

I had to leave him on seen. The last two texts surprised me because he seems determined to change my opinion him.

I don't know why my opinion is so important to him.

Shawn's POV

"Bro, why the hell would you say that?" Ian asked as he peered over my shoulder to read the texts.

"I don't know! I panicked!"

"Well now you fucked up, she left you on read."

I rolled my eyes, "Really, I had no clue?"

"Damn, Ryan's salty today." He chuckled.

I shook my head, "Thanks, dude."

Ian patted my shoulder.

"I don't know what I'm going to do" I sighed.

"Poor Shawn. It sucks when the world doesn't revolve around your spoilt ass" Matt joked and I huffed in annoyance.

"Fuck. I don't know but, talking to her over the past couple of weeks has been amazing. I don't want to miss out on a great friendship. She already hates me, so I don't have to be worried about her going after my fame. She's different. I like different!" I groaned

"Boo hoo princess. Suck it up" Brian rolled his eyes.

"Why is everyone attacking me!"

"This isn't the first time you've been hung up over a girl," Mike said with a sympathetic smile.

"We had to sit around and listen to you bitch and moan about how your heart is in pain," Lyall added and I swear, I've never felt so at home in Toronto.

"I guess you're right it's just, I don't like the fact that she's making me feel things that I've never felt. I haven't felt like this since-"

"Dude, you've seen this girl once, and you heard her talk shit about you and you're already starting to fall in love with her?" Brian chuckled.

"Nevada already hates me, so there's no way in hell I'm letting myself fall in love!"

"Sure sounds like you are" Geoff said, taking a swig of his beer.

"I feel like she'll be the one to break your heart" Brian frowned.

"But admit it, if she did end up falling in love with him and he revealed who he really was, then got totally rejected, he would make some fucking hot music out of it," Teddy said, and they all agreed, leaving me flustered.

Maybe they're right.

Authors note:
We hope you guys like this!
It was super fun writing this chapter, stay tuned for more and don't forget to let us know what you think x
-Anna & Lya ✨

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