Chapter Thirteen; I

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Nevada's POV

Today was the day. I mean I wasn't meeting him, plus the girls deserved to meet him way more than I ever did.

It was 10:34 AM and I had just finished putting on my makeup. I stepped back from the mirror and looked at my reflection and what I was wearing.

I thought I looked great then I remembered where I was going and who I was going to see.

@wellnev: #IlluminateTourMiami

@heartfeltmendes: Cannot wait to meet @mendestrilogy and @wellnev. @shawnmendes: I can't believe that today is the day, I'm finally getting to meet you. #IlluminateTourMiami

@mendestrilogy: @heartfeltmendes @wellnev TWO HOURS TILL I SEE YOU GUYS AND LIKE 6 TILL I MEET SHAWN BUT YOU GUYS! IT'S TODAY!!!

@shawnmendes: I wish I was meeting everyone at the show tonight. Especially YOU.

@wellnev: I know I should be excited but I feel like shit. I really wish I didn't, but he fucked up.

I want to be enthusiastic about this like Brodie and Mayra, but I'm not. I'm happy about the fact that they will meet someone very important in their lives, but I still felt like shit when I thought about what he did. I mean I'm lucky he even gave me his time of day but still it fucking hurts.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath ignoring the notifications coming in like a storm, and then my phone made a ding sound indicating that I received a text message.

I grabbed my phone and stared blankly at the screen, I thought I blocked his number but then again he can get another. I should've changed mine, damn it.

Shawn: I know you're mad at me, but tell me after you're done getting the girls in, are you sticking around for the show?

Shawn: Please, talk to me.

Shawn: my fans are suspicious. I want to tell them the truth but I don't want to risk hurting you even more.

Shawn: not hearing from you in months was really hard for me. I'm sorry I fucked up.

Nevada: I'm sorry you fucked up too.

Shawn: tell me would it have made a difference if I had told you the truth from the beginning? Would you still have wanted to talk to me?

Nevada: I figured it out and you denied it. You could've been honest.

Shawn: I was afraid you wouldn't have wanted to continue talking to me. I figured once you knew, you would've hated me even more.

Nevada: like I said, I hate your overplayed songs and you're annoying. I don't necessarily hate you. I don't hate you as a human being.

Shawn: thanks?

Nevada: & no I'm not staying.

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