Chapter Four; I

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"Oh my God, Nev, you missed the best thing ever last night!" My friend Annalise squealed.

I stopped chewing on my food, my fork still in the air, "What?"

"That was so attractive." my other friend Jack muttered under his breath. I lightly shove him before looking back at Annalise.

"Shawn freaking Mendes showed up and they sang a duet of one of his songs! It was amazing!" She gushed, looking as though she wanted to cry.

I groaned, "Not this Shawn kid again! I'm tired of hearing about him, jeez"

"Oh come on, if you were there you would have thought it was awesome. We know how much you adore the kid." Dylan smirked.

"That's highly unlikely." I rolled my eyes, "The show was about John, not some canadian whose songs are constantly overplayed and really annoying."

"You do know that the only reason most of us went was because of Shawn... right? We heard that he was going to be there, and we just wanted to confirm it for ourselves. We left right after he performed." Annalise said, and I wanted nothing more than to shove her face in the mashed potatoes she was eating.

I stopped everything I was doing and I felt Jack put a hand on my arm in attempt to calm me down before I exploded, "What? So I pitched in with everyone's tickets so you could see Shawn, then leave right after?" I said almost shouting.

"Where's the respect! John is so incredibly talented and all you assholes cared about was that kid? Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Woah, Nev, calm down." Annalise chuckled and I had to take deep breaths before I start throwing hands.

"Little miss 'My daddy is so rich, but I still work at a coffee shop, so that I remain humble,' is pissed" my other friend Sarah mumbled under her breath.

"Annalise, you just couldn't keep your mouth shut huh?" Dylan glared at Annalise and she mumbled an apology.

"No, what the fuck you guys? Really, all for some dumb kid? My god!" I growled, "You know what? I'm not going to stick around to deal with y'all shit, I have to go to work anyways, goodbye." I stood up, grabbing my backpack before storming out of the cafeteria, luckily my last class was already cancelled.


"What can I get you?"

"Hopefully a hot coffee, but if you're still mad at me then I'll just leave."

I looked up my eyes locked with Dylan's and I couldn't help but scoff "I wasn't mad at you, I know that you like John almost as much as me, but I just couldn't stand the fact that Annalise, Jack and everyone in our group all went for that stuck up Canadian!" I paused.

"So no I'm not mad, I'm just motherfucking pissed"

Dylan laughed softly, "Would you like to rant some more? You could take a break and I'm giving you the opportunity to talk my ear off" the bell rings signalling a customer entered.

"The guy's a fucking dick, I mean he never respects his fans. His songs are overplayed and they all have the same fucking chord progression. I mean what the hell? Learn some new chords if you're such a fucking grade A guitarist. I swear to God, if I hear another one of his songs or hear the fucking name SHAWN MENDES ever again. I'm going to lose my fucking mind!"

Dylan waited a few seconds before replying, "I understand" he said with a playful smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes and began making his coffee.

"Hey, Nev?" He said with a small smile.

"What!" I snapped and my manager glares at me from a distance.

"Could I maybe get your number?" He asked before going to wait.

I smiled apologetically, "Yeah, of course." I said feeling a blush creep up on my cheeks.

I quickly write my number on an empty cup before going to the next person in line.

"What can I get for you?"

"Could I have a tall coffee?"

"Yup, that will be $4.50."

The stranger handed me his money, refusing to make eye contact then he went to wait.

I grabbed another cup and headed to the coffee machine filling both the new customer and Dylan's coffee's up.

I took them over to the counter and called Dylan and the other customer over handing them both their coffees

Dylan said goodbye and continued on with my day.

It wasn't until I got home and got a text from an unknown number.

(406)365-1998: hi, is this the girl from the coffee shop?

To be continued...

Authors note:
Ah guys thank you so much for the support. We love you so much!
-Anna & Lya ✨

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