Chapter Six

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One week later.

I've been avoiding Ryan and his texts for a few days due to the fact he was being sensitive about me loathing Shawn, and also midterms are murdering my ass.

I actually liked talking to him and it makes me wonder what it would be like if we personally met and had a one on one conversation.

Ugh, he seems great and all but I kinda want to ask him to FaceTime just to confirm that he's legit who he says he is.

Fuck, I'll try my best not to spontaneously combust at the mention of his or Shawn's name, as said a silent prayer and got dressed for my shift at the Café and warily drove over to work.

I turned on the radio listening to some good music and ended up flipping through the stations to land on the voice that irritated me so much.

"Come on Nevada. You can listen to this one song. Do it for the sake of Ryan. Give Shawn a shot." I mumbled to myself.

"you take me places that tear up my reputation..." I soon find myself singing along with the music and bobbing my head.

"Okay this song is a step up from Stitches" I skeptically said to myself and I'd definitely rate it a solid 9.5.

Getting lost in the music, I forgot my phone was shoved in my back pocket, possibly being crushed to death when I heard someone talk via my pocket. Fuck, who did I butt-dial now?

"Manipulate my decisions..." the familiar male voice beautifully sang.

"Holy shit. No. No. No" I swore pulling into the parking lot, checking to see who I accidentally called, then bringing my phone to my ear.

"Hello to you too. You've been ignoring me for quite some time now eh?" The voice said and my eyebrows shot up.

"Holy crap. I didn't mean to call you R-Ryan" I stuttered.

"It's all good sunshine. I was actually contemplating on calling you myself, considering you basically abandoned me... I didn't appreciate that by the way" he said with a chuckle.

"I'm sorry midterms had me swamped," I said pinching the bridge of my nose.

So much for avoiding him...

"I like your taste in music. Shawn isn't so bad now is he?"

"Eh. It was a step up from stitches. My ears didn't hurt or bleed this time, so listening to his music was actually enjoyable" I said, ignoring the fact that Ryan sounded completely different from the last time we spoke.

"Give him a chance. You won't regret it"

"What song do you recommend?"

"Roses, from Illuminate. It has its way with the ladies.. I'm kidding," he chuckled and I swear it's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard.

"Alright, I'll give it a listen." I look at the clock on my dashboard and groan, "Hey, I'm going to have to call you back. My boss will have my head on a stick if I clock in late again"

"Alright, I'll talk to you later, hun."

I hung up and found myself clicking on the iTunes Store, looking up his name and clicking BUY on the entire Illuminate album.

Maybe I really am kind and amazing to carry that hate in my heart. I don't really know Shawn and although he annoys the crap out of me, if the legend John Mayer can give his music a chance, I owe it to him to give it a listen.

I pull the handle on the door to my Jeep and lock it before heading inside.

I clocked in before walking to the counter and asking the first person for their order.


"But I got you this rose, and I need to know, will you let it die or let it grow?" I sang loudly, with a hairbrush in my hand as I sang all the words to the song, I've had on repeat for two hours.

I couldn't believe I was listening to his music.

I suddenly hear my phone ring and I rushed to answer it.

"What's up Dylan?" I said, feeling disappointed that it wasn't who I wanted it to be.

"Nothing much, but I wanted to ask you something if you don't mind?"

"Yeah, of course not."

"Why is Shawn Mendes playing in your background?"

"What...? I don't know what you're talking about" my voice dragged.

"Nev, I can hear his song playing through the phone, how loud is that shit?"

"The real question is; How do you know it's Shawn!"

"He's talented that's why. You can't ignore his talent plus you can't miss that voice anywhere"

"I guess I'm coming around but it's only because of R-"

"I guess you're right, but I do have one other question."

"Yeah, what is it?" I asked while fighting the urge to look up Shawn's twitter.

"Would you maybe like to go on a date with me sometime soon?" Dylan said and I felt a fuzzy feeling in my stomach.

I paused, "Uh, yeah I would love to, when and where?"

"Tomorrow at six? I'll pick you up. I'm thinking Tommy's?"

"Sounds amazing, I'll see you there."

"Yeah, see you there. Night, Nev."

"Goodnight," I said hanging up.

I scrolled through Shawn's Twitter account and my eyes widened at the sight of one particular tweet.

@shawnmendes: will you let it die or let it grow? 🌹

Tweeted at 12:56 PM.

Before I knew it, my cursor found its way to the follow button and I couldn't stop myself from clicking it.

Authors note:
We hope you guys like this omg. We're trying so hard to make it unique but every fanfic is cliche sometimes lol
-Anna & Lya ✨

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