Chapter Ten; I

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I finally heard from Ryan, but he could only talk for a minute. I don't know what I did wrong and it's pissing me off, and I also don't want to seem too clingy.

Ryan has been acting super sketchy and I'm starting to doubt our friendship. We've been talking for a two months and I have a weird feeling about it all.

"One grilled cheese sandwich coming up." I said to a cheery customer, and I held back from rolling my eyes. I was annoyed, it was that time of the month, and did I mention Ryan only called me for a minute?

Before starting to make the sandwich, I turned on my favorite radio station that frequently played all of my jams even the overplayed ones.

"Next up is a song by a singer from Canada. But hold your horses, ladies and gentlemen, I also have the pleasure of having a phone interview with him. He's such a sweetheart, and he makes everyone swoon! so without further ado... I'm going to be taking the call right now"

It was silent for a few seconds before the interviewer started speaking and then the familiar voice that I knew all too well, started to converse with the interviewer.

"Hey guys. This is Shawn Mendes, and you're listening to WILD 94.1, the hottest radio station in all of Florida"

"Thank you for joining us today dude. I know you're busy in the studio right now"

"Pleasure to join you and yes I fell off the grid for a little bit. I'm deep in the production of my junior album"

"Can't wait to hear it! Man you were here in Florida just back in August to perform a song with the legend John Mayer. How was that? How was the experience?"

"It was amazing. John is such a great person and friend, performing my song Mercy with him was an absolute dream. My parents and little sister Aaliyah came out to support me at the show unfortunately they had a dinner to attend-"

"Holy fucking fuck" I said dropping the grilled cheese sandwich while backing into a stack of cups and suddenly everything was falling in slow motion.

It all makes sense now.

I had dinner with his family.

I met Shawn Mendes' parents and I had no idea.

"Damn it Nevada" my boss yelled from the kitchen.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" I apologize, knocking over trays of tarts and pastries.

"You seem to be extremely clutzy today" I heard a voice say and my head immediately shot up.

"I haven't seen you in a while" I sighed, wrapping my arms, around Dylan shaking in realization, and he took the liberty of stroking my hair.

"Just because you basically stop being my friend, that doesn't mean I stopped being yours. Plus, you replaced me with that Ryan guy. I'm not over that by the way" Dylan rambled and I can't tune out his voice in the background.

"Why do you look like someone stole your cookie?"

"I think I might be in love with Shawn Mendes-" I said, wide eyed.

"Oh yeah. It's about time!" He said fist bumping me.


"Welcome to the Mendes Army, Nev!"

"You don't get it"

"What's there to get?"

"I think Ryan might be Shawn, and I was right all along."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because who the hell randomly texts a stranger and practically forces her to give the dude a chance-"

"Someone who likes Shawn?" Dylan said, his head tilting to the left with confusion written all over his face.

"I don't think so, and I'd really appreciate it if you didn't keep cutting me off..." I trailed off.

"Who pissed in your cereal this morning and what are you going to do?" Dylan said with a lopsided smile on his face.

"I'm not sure yet, but I know he'll regret lying to me. He had the chance to come clean, why wouldn't he?" I said turning to my co-worker and put on the best puppy face I possibly can,

"Because you didn't appreciate him or his music?"

"Hey, would you mind taking over my shift, it ends in an hour"

She rolled her eyes but nodded, "Thank you, you are the best!" I said happily, hugging her before taking off my apron and grabbing my stuff.

"You so owe me" she scoffed.

"I know, I'll take over your whole shift next Monday, I promise!"

I ran out of the small café and into the parking lot. I was furious but also thrilled, but there's just one thing, I hate being lied to.

To be continued...

Authors note:
Congratulations to Shawn on all his wins from the EMAs and AMAs, what a legend 👏🏽
Also, thank you for 900+ reads! That's super exciting x
-Anna & Lya ✨

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