Chapter Twenty-Two

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Shawn's POV

I was incredibly happy that Nevada agreed to come out on tour with me. It gives us some time to get to know each other better and for us to become something more. I looked over at her so focused on her phone, that she didn't even realize I slipped out.

"She's in there" I said to Brian and he nervously nodded in response.

"I have to apologize to her"

"I understand. I put you in a tough position and I never apologized for that, so I'm sorry man. You're a good friend."

He nodded again and slowly entered the room with me following behind him.

"Hey, Nev, I have someone I want you to meet." I said.

She looked up from her phone and smiled at me, making my heart flutter, "And whom may that be?"

"Nev, this is Brian."

She laughed, "Oh, the guy who played the role of Ryan, gotta say, did a stellar job,
10/10 would recommend to a friend."

We laughed, "So you're not mad at me?" He asked her.

"What? No, I was mad at this dumbass over here." She jabbed her thumb at me.

I chuckled and scratched my neck, "Wow, love you too, Nev." I said and she blushed.

"Get acquainted. I have to get ready"

"It's like I know him already" she sarcastically said and Brian mouthed to me, that she was a keeper.

Nevada's POV

Brian and I surprisingly hit it off. He was as funny and as good looking as he appeared to be on FaceTime.

"So you really hated him before everything started?" Brian asked with a laugh.

I was sitting on the couch while he sat on a chair about fifteen feet away. I said he could sit on the couch too, but he declined saying Shawn would probably kill him. Which I then told him, he's overreacting.

"Yeah, I mean, the coffee shop I used to work at, played his music a lot and man I know good music, I just didn't like his" I said stirring some sugar into my coffee.

"I was surprised when Shawn told me that a really hot girl was ranting about how overrated he was, and how he wanted to get your number so bad. But I guess, it being on his cup by accident was the best thing that had ever happened to him."

"Really?" I smiled and he nodded.

"He talked about you so much it was annoying haha. Shawn really does love you."

I blushed as he continued, "What about you?"

I paused, "I do, I love him a lot, despite what he did. I mean I sort of understand why he did it, I was a pretty big bitch, seeing as I didn't even know him at the time." I shrugged.

"But you know him well enough now?"

"Yeah I do, and he makes me so happy."

"I'm happy for you two." Brian smiled

"Thank you."

"The show is about to start in a little bit. Let's go out to the side for Charlie's set, or do you want to watch from the crowd?" Brian asked.

"Which would you recommend?"

"Watching my best friend do his thing from the crowd is the best thing ever. I'm sure Chandler will be by your side through it all."

"And what about you?" I said locking eyes with the Canadian.

"I got your back dude" he said.

We heard the door opening and Shawn walked through, "Hey, Brian, hey babe. Yo, can you give us a minute, man?"

Brian immediately nods, "Yeah, I'll be outside Nev, when you're ready to go to the front, let me know yeah?." he smiled.

Shawn smiled at him as he shut the door, "Going to be in the crowd again?"

"You bet your ass I am. I got to see my man slay that crowd" I chuckled.

"That'll be great," He paused. I stood up and walked over to where my bag was and grabbed my portable charger.

"Nev, you know we have cute nicknames for each other but how come you never let me kiss you, other than that one time?"

"You gotta work for that shit." I joked.

"Babe," Shawn whined.

I laughed and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He slid his arms around my waist, "I'm just joking, okay? But you remember what I said, I want to take things slow, I haven't been in a serious relationship in a while and I don't want to rush."

He nodded and kissed my forehead, "I know,"

"I know you want more, but if you can't take things slowly, then we aren't gonna work"

"Nev, I'm fine going slow, I just want to call you my girlfriend already."

"We have yet to go on a date, Mendes. So maybe after." I smiled

He laughed, "Okay, you weirdo."

"Okay good because if my ears are working correctly, I think Charlie is about to go on," I said, reaching up to give him a quick peck catching him by surprise, then slipping out of his dressing room, and joining Chandler, while he led me to where Brian was.

Authors note:

figured we should let you guys know, but this story will be ending at around 30 chapters, but, pay attention to the next authors note for exciting news :)

-Anna & Lya

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