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(406)365-1998: hi, is this the girl from the coffee shop?

My eyes widened. Was this Dylan messing around or just some random creep that got my number?

Nevada: depends, whom may this be?

The unknown person waited a few minutes before replying.

(406)365-1998: the guy who found your number on his coffee cup.

Nevada: I swear to god Dylan. You might be cute but this isn't.

(406)365-1998: not Dylan, but I'll make sure to tell him if I ever meet him that you think he's cute.

This is a freaking small town, so the chances of Dylan finding out that I think he's cute is actually quite possible.

Nevada: wait, then who the fuck are you?

(406)365-1998: well I'll give you a hint, you hate me... apparently.

Nevada: I hate a lot of people. ;) you're going to have to be a lot better more specific.

(406)365-1998: that's pretty ironic since you're a barista.. and well I don't want to tell you who I am just yet, because I thought you were gorgeous and I want to change your mind, before you figure out who I am...

Nevada: well can I at least get a name?

(406)365-1998: RYAN

Nevada: Ryan?

(406)365-1998: that is correct.

I don't know a Ryan! I can already tell I'm not going to live to see my grandkids.

Nevada: okay then, Ryan, I don't know who you are because I don't know any Ryan's. This is a small town but not that small. You're a bloody creep aren't you?

Ryan (apparently): I'm not a creep, I'm just not from your town. I'm from up north, where the Moose and Timbits are, I swear.

I'm a smart person so it didn't take long for me to put two and two together, and that's when it hit me like a shit ton of bricks.

Nevada: holy shit!

Ryan (apparently): ... WHAT?

Nevada: I know who you are.. and I'm genuinely not quite amused by this.

Ryan (apparently): well obviously, I just told you who I am. Ryan.

Nevada: not fucking funny, I know this is Shawn fucking Mendes.

Ryan (apparently): I am not Shawn Mendes. I swear.

Nevada: prove it.

Ryan (apparently): and how should I do that?

Nevada: call me. I know what shawn's voice sounds like, so if you call me and are able to convince me that you are in fact not Shawn, then I will continue to talk to you.

Shawn's POV

"Shit!" I swore, earning the attention of my manager Andrew.

"Shawn!" He scolded me for swearing.

"Sorry, it's just I met this cute barista today and she accidentally gave me her number, but she hates my entire existence" I rambled and he nodded.

"She couldn't really tell that I was me but I told her my name was Ryan and she wants me to prove that I'm not me by calling her and just... fuck."

"Get Ian or Geoff to do it. Maybe even Brian." He suggested.

"You're a genius, Gerty!" I said, running down the halls of the hotel I'm staying at to find my friends.

"No running in the halls!" I hear Aaliyah shout as I zoomed past her room.

"I'm on a mission, it's allowed!" I shouted back.

I finally arrive at Geoff's room where I find my whole band, the Warburton's and Brian devouring pizza.

"I need a volunteer!" I said out of breath.

They all looked at me with wide eyes, "For what?" Ian asked.

"There's this girl I met at that coffee shop we went to today and she accidentally gave her number to me instead of this other guy. Fucking Dylan I assume." I muttered

"Turns out, she hates me, but I texted her anyways hoping to change her mind about me, so I told her my name was Ryan, but she caught on that I was Shawn, because she sarcastically said she hated a lot of people, when truly she despises only me"

"Go on" my drummer Mike urged.

"So she wants me to call her to prove that Ryan is real and that it's not me or else she'll stop talking to me so someone help."

Zubin clicked his tongue, "Dude, again with that Ryan thing? It's like you're basically Gretchen from Mean girls who thinks she can make 'fetch' happen." He said, causing the rest of the men to laugh.

"Someone, just please help."

Brian finally sighed and held his hand out for my phone, "I'll do it, but when you two end up together I get a 30% cut on the songs you write about it."

I rolled my eyes once again, "fine, deal."

"I was joking but I'll need that in writing" Brian chuckled.

I handed him my phone and he shuts everyone up before clicking the call button and puts the phone on speaker.

"So, where's your proof?" I hear her ask,

Brian cleared his throat dramatically before singing off-key, "I know that I can treat you better-"

"okay! I get it, you're not that dumbass singer, I've got my proof..." She paused, "I guess I'll keep talking to you." Then she hung up.

Brian handed me back my phone and the whole room is silent for a few seconds before Teddy spoke up, "Dumbass singer..."

And the whole group is laughing again.

"I'm Shawn Mendes. Everybody loves me, and she will eventually-"

"Who's she?" Josiah asked, walking in with a shitload of his camera equipment.

"Fuck. I don't even know her name."

Authors note:
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Thanks again for all the love x
-Anna & Lya ✨

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